Wherefore Art Thou, Trollhunter? And the V̵͎͕̿̈ȯ̴͔̜͓̊i̸̦̇̈́d̵̺̓ Sneak Peak Chp5

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You let out a sigh of complete relief as you watched Jim quickly step to the side although out of complete fear and doged the incoming hit. Although he wasn't out of it yet as Draal rolled up one of the pillars into the air.

Jim's eyes widened in shock as he watched Draal unravel and lift his into the air then coming down fast. Jim then started running forward to get out of the range of where Draal was coming down but was only semi successful.

As when Draal came into contact the the stone flour dust burst into the air concealing Jim's feild of vison. You knew imedetely what was going on as dread once again filled your form as Aaarrrgghh, Blinky, and Toby all shared the same face as you did. As right in that moment Draal head butted Jim cause a blue flame to burst out on contact somewhat protecting Jim as he was sent flying into the air.

As the dust cleared you could see the small grin on Draals face as he stares down the the collasped form of Jim and takes a quick glance at you seemingly not happy with worried look and the face turns into a scowl. As he snaps his eyes back at the boy looking as if he is ready to murder the pour boy.

Jim stabs the sword into the ground and pulled himslef up and slouched onto it as one arm is over the blunt end supporting his weight as he groans, "All right, all right. Now, just give me a second here."

But not even a second later Jim was punched by Draal suddenly technally giving hem a second. The armor letting out brusts of blue light with each impact. One right swing, one left swing, and then Draal grabbed Jim around the neck and gave him an uppercut sending him once again flying into the air.

Jim landed near the edge of the arena with his sword land point down into the floor brusting soon after into a blue dust. Jim breathes heavily, as a pained face can be seen clearly from where the four of you were standing.

You let out a gasp as you watched Draal pick up Jim with ease and hold him over the huge drop down below as Jim yells in fear. When Jim looks down and lets another scared yell and desperately starts clinging to Draals stoney arm.

Out of the corner of your eye you can see Aaarrrgghh holding back Toby as he has an very angry face on and yelled, "Let him go!"

You personally were also very very scared for Jim but deep down you knew that Jim wasn't going to die as why would the main protagonist die? He has to much plot armor...

Draal stared down Jim with a snarl on his face, "I've waited my entire life to inherit the amulet. I can wait until you fall in battle." Jim looks extremely afraid and starts clenching up in pain as Draal starts tightening his hold to the point where you can here slight cracking from Jim.

Draal then drops him a second later causing Jim to fall from his hold onto his hands and knees, "I suspect I won't have to wait very long," Draal speaks out as he stares down Jim darkly. Draal clenches his outstretched arm into a fist and bent his arm slightly, "If you know what's good for you, you'll stay down and live, worm." Jim looks up at Draal from his position with realization written. He then turns around and scoffs, "Troll Hunter."

You looked up where Vendel was and saw him sigh in disappointment while he turned around and walked away. You clenched a fist to your chest, oh how much you wanted to smother them both.

You snapped your head towards Jim and ran up to him checking him to see if he is alright but your words fell on empty ears as Jim looked like he was going to cry but held it in.

You backed off as Jim abruptly stood up, armor deactivated and stormed out of the arena shame clear in his body language. The three boys also followed right behind trying to catch up with the boy.

You stood there a worried expression, thoughts were all scrambled in your head. A cold and warm wind hit behind you.

"Don't worry about that human...."

You turned around rapidly, shocked at the sound of a few voices in one.

Being a smart person, you took a step back and rapidly sprinted out of the arena. Although your back ached majorly, feeling the sensation of hot and cold pushing and digging into your back like sharp sticks and stones.

And a single sliver black tipped feather with red, blue, and green highlights floated down.

And landed right where you just stood...

A/N Wanted to get a sneak peak or at least the first part of the chapter out before I headed to camp for another week as I will not be able to get a chapter out this week as no electronic devices allowed!

See you in a week and a couple days....

Majikku : TrollHunter x reader (Various)Where stories live. Discover now