Becoming Part 7

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“Eight Hours! I can’t believe it takes eight hours!”  Explains Jim, in disbelief as he paced back and forth in the kitchen.  

“Two, molars, plus insertions, and some cleanup,”  Toby replied in a matter of fact tone.  

You sighed and shook your head, you knew Jim was antsy but this was on a whole nother level of eagerness you have ever seen in Jim.  “Okay, Tobes.  You are never going to believe this,”  Toby looked at him in confusion, and then rubbed his cheeks.

“My mouth still feels a little sore,”  Toby then grabs a frozen pizza from the freezer and puts it against his cheek.  

“I would expect you would still feel sore, considering the ortho was working on your mouth for a continuous eight hours in total.  It is to be expected,”  You explain as you sit down at the counter table high chair putting your hand to the side palm facing up.  

Your eyes then trailed back to Jim where he grabbed the amulet from his satchel, “Check this out!”  You watched with anticipation as Jim stared at it, not doing anything.  

Toby started to doze off in slight relief as he felt the cold package on his cheek, helping the soreness of his mouth.  

“Do you have an aspirin?  Or Tylenol?” Toby asked all of a sudden.  

Jim dead panned at Toby with are you serious right now look, “Tobes, pay attention,” You shook your head and took out a pain reliever for Tobes and handed him one as you luckily had a small bag of them of two or three just in case you started having cramps.  Toby smiled a thank you to you and gladly took it with much appreciation.  

Toby then took a whiff of the pizza in the box, and hummed slightly in contemptment and put the pizza in the microwave to heat it up.  You sighed as you knew he wasn’t paying attention, and looked over towards Jim as he stared at the amulet with a lot of concentration.  

“For the glory of Merlin, Daylight is mine to-”  Jim starts, but is soon cut off by the microwave ding going off.  Signaling that the pizza was done heating up.  

Toby glanced at you and then Jim, “Go on,”  

Jim rubbed the back of his head in major confusion, “I worked last night,”  

“Are you kidding me right now?”  Toby asked in a slightly annoyed tone.  

You shook your head, “I know it did as I was there last night, I saw it work.  Not sure what's going on…”  You explain making sure Toby doesn't feel offended.  

“Okay.  Wait, wait, wait, wait…”  Jim then closes his eyes and concentrates.  The amulet then started glowing a small blue glow and shook, and then soon glowed and floated.  Blue orbs then appeared and went to his heart once again, lifting him off the ground.  

“Holy champignon!”  Toby gasped wide eyed, and his pizza started floating from his hand.  You softly smiled at Toby, and shook your head.  You were quite amused with his reaction, although it was anticipated to the fullest extent.  

Jim then came down with full armor and his sword on his back, smiling brightly,”Oh-ho-ho-ho! How cool is that?”  Jim asked Toby with energy littered in his voice.  

Toby stood there breathlessly, in amazement and shock,”What?”  Suddenly Toby snapped out of his trance and excitedly walked to Jim and around.  “Oh, my gosh! Oh, my gosh! Oh, my gosh! Oh, my gosh!”  Toby lifted and looked at Jim’s armor closely and intently. “So cool, so cool, so cool!”  Toby then thought and burst out, “Dude, you know what this means, right?  You have a sacred responsibility here.”  

Majikku : TrollHunter x reader (Various)Where stories live. Discover now