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Harry is the one to roll over and grab Louis' phone to turn it of. The incessant chiming is ruining their moment. He's half straddling Louis when he reaches for it. His eyes growing wide when skimming over the messages. "When was I born?" He asks, looking up to meet Louis' eyes.

"Is- is- is that a trick question, or-"

"No. For real. I need to kn-"

"First of February, love." Louis answers like it's the most obvious thing in the world. "We've been celebrating it on the first every year, haven't we?" He adds cheekily and earns himself an eyeroll matching his energy. "Oi. Watch it." He warns. "You don't wanna know what happened to the last person who rolled their eyes at me."

"If I do it again, will you show me?" Harry teases and Louis grabs his thighs.

"Don't tempt me, love."

Harry giggles. "I could go again if you're up for it."

Louis lets out and airy laugh, chiming up an "Give me second to catch my breath, baby." And Harry shakes his head, unable to stop the giggles from escaping his throat. And to be honest- he doesn't want to. If it was up to him, he'd sit like this and giggle for the rest of his life.

Louis moves to sit upright, his eye skimming over Harry's body- taking him in in all his glory and thinking he's the luckiest man alive, before leaning forward to connect their lips. He misses the feeling of them on his own.

"I meant the time." Harry finally clarifies when Louis breaks the kiss while wrapping his arms around the younger man, pulling him closer.

"I'm not sure, love." Louis replies, snuggling his face into the crook of Harry's neck. "We should have done this the moment I got here. Would've saved a lot of heartbreak and tears." He adds before starting to kiss the skin there.

"I don't think that would have changed anything, Lou. Dr. Swan replied and said that we'd get it the moment I officially turned eighteen." Harry smiles and wraps his one arm around his boyfriend's neck, keeping him close.

"What?" Louis exclaims, mock offended. "You're trying to tell me that my ace love making skills was not what finally triggered it?" He asks, leaning back to meet Harry's eyes.

Another giggle. "Your ace love making skills was the reason we missed it." Harry sends him a wink. "T'was so good." He adds, dragging the words.



"You hinting to go again now?"

Harry throws his head back. He really is a giggling mess right now. "Give me a sec, Boo." He says and pecks the older man's lips. "Just need to find out something real quick, yeah." He adds and focusses on the phone screen as he starts typing away.

" He adds and focusses on the phone screen as he starts typing away

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9:28 - A Short Larry SMAU Where stories live. Discover now