For those who cannot speak

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According to some research I read, some people are having a hard time in expressing their feelings freely. There are a lot of reasons why this happens and there are a lot of solutions for this problem too.

Recently, people are so hooked with social media. Facebook, Twitter and Instagram are just some of them. We know that through these social media, one can post their thoughts and photos.

A lot of people are thanking the creators of these social media because through them, they can freely express themselves and share what they think to everyone in just a few clicks. It helped them to feel relieved and to know who they really are.

But we all know in this world, you can't impress everyone. Some people are against social media because of their different reasons.

If you are having a hard time to express yourself verbally and didn't want to express yourself through social media either, you can write your thoughts and feelings on a paper or if you're lazy, you can type it on your phone's notepad or on your laptop. Writing your thoughts on paper does not only exercise your writing skills but also your penmanship. Writing does not only help you express what you feel and think but also it can help you to exercise your mind and soul.

Anyway, since I'm one of those people who is having a hard time in expressing my "true" feelings and thoughts verbally, I am 100% sure, using the social media and writing thoughts are really for those who cannot speak.

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