daredevil part 1

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It isn't easy trusting potential parents when they all turn you away for being you

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It isn't easy trusting potential parents when they all turn you away for being you

I can't help it if I'm a free spirit

Thats just who I am

Its who I always have been but nobody seems to get that

They come in expecting a perfect baby everyone has thier own definition of oerfect and if im not it then don't take me home and give me false hope that you will keep me

They talk like they will spend time with me just not getting to know me or really caring to get to know me at all

But anyway sorry I should introduce myself my bad that was rude of me not to tell you about me at least

Hi I was abandoned at a human orphanage doorstep as a newborn baby no explanation or anything I wasn't in a hospital system

I wasn't in any system at all really so my parents must gave had a home birth

They say and maybe they had a midwife whatever that is according to people who are taking care of me now

But why abandon me why give me up without giving me a name

Anyway I was passed from orphanage to orphanage as they were shut down or got tired of me being around

Then when I got to old they sent me to foster care

Until I got too old for foster care supernatural being have been in charge of this world for quite a few centuries

So when I was too old I climbed the steps of a local supernatural orphanage after walking a few miles to get to it and collapsed from exhaustion

I woke up in a huge crib in a room full of babies and began treatments  to turn me into a werewolf with no traces of human left in me and im so glad im here now

I have been here for years since I ten thats how old you age out if the system now it used to be twelve

I'm nineteen now I have been here almost ten years of my life

I love it here I love the staff and all my stuff they gave me here I love it so much

But I still really want a family I see so many others getting adopted on after the other

They always say to me things like:

("It will be your chance one day.")
("Just hang on a little longer.")
("Just be patient.")
("It will happen just wait and see.")
("This could be your day today.")

But it never happens at least not yet it hasn't so I will keep hoping and waiting so far it just seems less and less likely I will ever get a family

But im still happy just being here and there isnt a limit to how long you can be here for thats really awesome

Once you become a supernatural baby you can choose what age range you have mentally and your emotions effect what age you are mentally

I am six to nine months to two years  old most of the time im nine months old unless I want to be bigger

But I only like to be bigger for short periods of time it takes alot of energy to be big even if its just in headspace

I like being small carefree and in a baby headspace its a lot easier

They serve snacks every two hours plus three meals a day all delicious and free

We are not burdened by issues like money or a place to stay or how to pay bills and get the things we need much less things we want

So I never want to leave this place I don't know why anybody would ever want to leave this place

Its a baby paradise we are pampered and well taken care of never having to do anything hard or make hard decisions everything us either dome fir us or its super easy like deciding on which book I want them to read to me things like that

I enjoy life here and I can wait fir my family knowing im safe sound happy and healthy

Also its hard to feel alone with so many friends and adult workers and care takers here

Anyway sorry I lost my train of thought after I woke up in the crib I was finally given a name based on my personality

My name is......


So thats how I came to be here what this place is about how I feel about this place and the people who work here and more

After a few more snacks lunch supper some more tummy time a few diaper changes and a few sippies I go to bed with my binkie blankie my favorite toward a full sippie cup

More families are coming in a couple days they are treating whoever is coming like they are royalty or just extra important people

But no one has said reason why yet its a big mystery I love mystery books I always have they read me at least one chapter from a mystery book once a  day a lot

Some other interesting things about me is my favorite color is blue my favorite animals are monkeys

I want a papa or dada I don't really want a mommy my favorite holiday is Christmas we celebrate it here

I have heterochromia my eyes are two different colors

My favorite thing to do is one if the reasons they named me daredevil I climb my crib even if its hard and stand or crouch on the railing and

Sometimes I will throw or push pillows toys and blankets out of my crib first then jump off the railing onto the floor

Its fun and I feel so free I do it regardless of the risks

Because I limit the risk and the floor is soft and padded and since I add more padding and I have never gotten hurt so im not stopping anytime soon

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