daredevil part 4

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Continuing where the last chapter left off

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Continuing where the last chapter left off

but with a different point of view

Most names of the new parents will start will a just because I want them too

Adonis ambrose point of view

Me and my husband's were here to see the babies and potentially pick out our new son or daughter

We have been to quite a few

But never found a baby that just caught our eyes and won our hearts

We are mixes of different species except one who is pure werewolf we are all royalty or leaders of our packs or clans

We were looking in the different rooms and looking through the faculty while we were doing our tour

We haven't been in the top floor rooms yet and as we were about to see the last of the boys we heard a loud thump from one of the rooms

We ran as fast as we could even being tired from the traveling and walking going up stairs and jet lag too

But still we went as fast as we could and ran into the room we saw a baby laying unconscious on the floor and a worker hovering over him crying and apologizing for hurting him

We snapped who could hurt a baby like that if you work here you should expect a baby getting sick it happens more often then you think

Everyone gets sick its a myth that vampires don't get sick ever things make them sick too

Its stupid and ridiculous to think that babies don't get sick

You should care for them and love them while protecting them with your life

They are innocent adorable cute little angels what the hell was wrong with her and especially her brain that obviously was not functionating at all what so ever

We rushed the baby to the hospital he flattened twice from bloodless due to the head wound bleeding on the floor most likely

My husband is a doctor and he is over four hundred years  old he has twenty two degrees he got to do what he loves taking care if people and pets as well as saving thier loves

Most of his degrees are medical but he also has buissness degrees and a couple law degrees for family law and another type of law

But I forget which kind of law he doesn't brag he told us when we bring it up or someone else asks him about his careers job or things like that and

When we first started dating a few times then once while planning our wedding too

After we get to the hospital they rush the baby back at this point I think its obvious we want to make him our son and take him home with us we want to adopt him as our own baby

But we need to get to know him first before we do any of that

We need to talk to Alicia

(Alicia) i assume you choose him I have known you guys for years since we were children anyway his name was given to him by us his first and only name ever it fits his personality extremely well his name is daredevil and he really is a daredevil

were all immortal after all we don't age anymore after two hundred years old but we never look older then twenty but we need to know more about him our little daredevil

He may have devil in his name

But he is our angel our little angel our beautiful baby boy we already love him I can already see that

(Dane ambrose) anything else youcan tell us about him any information books or packets about him habits favorite things what he loves to do for fun what kind of books does he like to be read or does he like cartoons more or both

(Alicia) he loves books especially mystery books he likes tv but oerfers books more his favorite things I had packed up and brought here for him in case he needs the comfort and if he has to stay the dictionary will be out shirty to update us on his condition

(Dane ambrose) ok thank you

almost an hour later the doctor comes out looking really sad oh no

(Doctor tate) baby daredevil

We all rush over to him he looks taken back and shocked

but he continues talking to us anyway

(Alicia) whats wrong with him is he going to be ok what's going on

(Doctor tate) he has a severe concussion a broken arm and the stomach flu thats why he threw up that much it was only amatter of time until he puked also his skill was slightly fractured but will heal up in a few months so we are recommending being extra cautious and careful and getting him a helmet with extra thick padding to protect his headline its healing

(Doctor tate still) so he can still be his usual self since I have seen him when I visit you sis and you told me about his crazy antics wouldn't want him to have to stop being himself while healing once he's feeling better the will stay on for another two and a half months

(Doctor tate) now what were your other questions again

(Alicia) oh well i also asked two other questions which were is he going to be ok and what's going on

(Doctor tate) well he usgoing to be ok he did lose a lot of blood but we had genetic copies we make of each and every baby patients blood fir surgeries ir medical procedures so we did a blood transfusion and

(Doctor tate still) as for your other question we quieted down because the baby patients are all asleep now including daredevil who is napping you can go in and see him but you must stay quiet

After he was done we headed as quietly as we could and we sit down near him waiting for him to wake up from his nap this could have been so much worse then it was

But it was still absolutely horrible and saddening poor little baby

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