daredevil part 2

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Early in the morning the next day

Ever since they got the news about the important people coming here Tomorrow

They have been acting crazy I mean like lost thier minds running around like chickens with thier heads cut off crazy insane behavior

They have decorated the place more then they Ever have before

I mean this amount if decorating is just too much at least in my opinion no matter who is coming here and why

No matter who they are I don't think it means you should lose your minds

I mean who could be so important that youact like you will die if they don't like you or are not impressed by you and how you decorate for thier arrival

I got bored of watching them it was funny for awhile

Button it just got too boring and ridiculous to watch anymore now im just playing with my toys and having fun

They are now getting babies and giving them baths another one of my favorite things I love bubbles and bathroom

I especially love splashing the workers that bathe me every time I get the chance it never fails to be funny and it will never stop being funny to me

They laugh at my antics except when my antics scare them and that happens at least once or twice a day with me climbing the crib and standing on the railings and rocking back and firth really hard on my rocking horse or hanging egg

I have never fallen out its mostly enclosed except for an egg shaped opening big enough for me to get in and out of

I never can understand why they freak out as much as they do freak out after all the times I have done these antics and stunts you would think they would chill out and calm down

Anyway now its my turn im taken into the bathroom to get washed up apparently this is the first bath for today

I pick up my favorite whale bath toy and splash my care taker i laugh and squeal with delight while she continues to wash my hair and body

After she puts me in a penguin bath towel and takes me to my room each baby gets thier own room

Every time a baby is adopted thier rooms given to another baby and redecorated with the new babies stuff slowly over time

That happens pretty often around here there are a total of one hundred and twenty two rooms for the babies staff storage

Not including the kitchen staff lounge and meeting room plus offices too

But most of the rooms are for the babies that live here i love my room its so perfect for me I love it so much

Then I get the daredevil bug again once she puts me down i go a little crazy and jump off the table onto the floor and crawl away as fast as I can without
them noticing

I do this to them a lot and I enjoy doing it every time because I do this we end up laughing a lot and having to catch our breath from laughing so much

I live up to my name i always have I don't ever plan on changing

Eventually she catches me with help from five other people she was chasing me for over fourty minutes

Then after the first person joined they chased for another few minutes until the next person joined

Then they chased me for another attempted minutes until.the next person joined and it kept going like this

Until there was six people chasing after me while I crawled naked through the hallways

They take me back to my room as soon as they catch me and get me dressed

I don't hate long sleeves

But I perfer short sleeves they are less tight and better for moving in and I really like being able to move as fast as possible every chance i get

But I will still find ways to be a daredevil in this outfit I may not be a very typical baby or very well behaved but at least im me and I wouldn't want to be anyone else

Now im sitting on the floor in the playroom here well part of it its huge I mean it needs to be to fit all the babies and staff here in it

We are sometimes all in the room at once hut very rarely and the other babies change a lot so its never all the same people more then maybe four time

Now im getting bored playing and having fun so I want to do something a lot more fun I get up on the chair climbing then climb on to the table

After getting on to the table I jump off of the table in to a different care worker and im put in a high chair and given a snack

Unlike human babies we get the chance to grow new healthier teeth thanks to modern supernatural science biology and whatever else was used to make these medical procedures

Except it doesn't take a year this time in fact it only takes about eight months to ten months so its quicker I love my new teeth a lot they are really great they slowly came one or two at a time one time three came in for me all at once

It hurt a lot they give us medicine that helps with the pain and eventually after awhile the pain stopped each and every time sometimes quicker then other times

But still it stopped so it was a lot better after the pain wasn't there anymore and my teeth all grew in

I love food so much my favorite time of any day is when I eat which happens multiple times with meals and snacks with drinks every day

Once again no one chose me today but better luck next time im okay with it I will find my forever family one day

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