daredevil part 5

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Early the next morning around six o'clock daredevil is still in the hospital 😔😷🤒🤧🤕🤕🤕🥺😦😨😢😣😞 i love using emoji's please comment if you like them positive comments please

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Early the next morning around six o'clock daredevil is still in the hospital 😔😷🤒🤧🤕🤕🤕🥺😦😨😢😣😞 i love using emoji's please comment if you like them positive comments please

Point of view is still the same from last chapter now on with the story

We are still waiting to get the ok to take our beautiful adorable baby boy daredevil home

He is sleeping soundly wrapped in blanket with the pacifier in his mouth its a blue pacifier with his name on it and attached to it is a pacifier holder to make sure it doesn't get lost

He looks so precious sleeping like the little angel baby he is

The care worker is dead now she will never ever be able to hurt another baby ever again

How could she have even contemplated hurting a innocent little baby in the first place

Why take put whatever is going with you in your life whatever that might be on a innocent little baby there is no reason absolutely no justification fir doing that no reason at all ever

Unless you are just a evil miserable scum of the earth person with no heart or soul a terrible vile loathsome person

We are not sorry for what we did

But we did have to avoid calls from our parents until we couldn't anymore

But we are are still thankfully able to surprise them that the baby is now thier grandson and our beautiful boy well once we get the paperwork done

But we don't want to leave him even fir a few minutes even if its one at a time he already has us wrapped around his little finger

We read over the packets books and looked at a lot of pictures of daredevil he certainly is courageous fearless and lives up to the name daredevil by a lot

I these pictures he is hanging and dropping from high places with a big smile on his face in every photo he is avery happy baby there our morephotod of people reading him mystery books

(Alicia) would you like to know a little more about him

We all whisper scream yes trying not to wake up our sleeping son a few of us our on one side then a few on the other side and finally others are sitting in the chairs by the wall

Is is more responsive and the doctor he will be able go home as long as we pick up his helmet

so we are gonna pick that up on our way home from the hospital today

Then we here a gasp and we look around to see Alicia's face

Her eyes are wide open and her mouth is also open wide looking at the bed where daredevil is

So we look at the bed only to see

Our little baby wide awake looking around I guess we were all busy too busy to see he was awake

We get up and walk to him he clutches his blankie and stuffed whale

(Apollo ambrose) whats your whales name sweetie

He blushes and looks away to Alicia think he wants her to answer for him

(Alicia) the whales name is free willy after the movies about his favorite animal whales the whale is also called free willy

(Daredevil) woo r ou I ont ow dem

(Translation:Who are you I don't know them)

(Alicia) well daredevil They are adopting you

He starts crying dyes he not like us as if he read our mind he hugs me since im closet to him and simply says

(Daredevil) ou weally ant e dis Is ot a oke pwease ay i ot

(Translation: you really want me this is not a joke please say it not)

We all looked him really sad by these statements has he really never had a family or

Anyone who wanted to take him home and at least try to be a family that's heartbreaking

He is so sweet and just a perfect little baby boy an absolute angel just from what we have seen so far

I just don't get how thats possible

How people can just over look him like this

But now we are gonna give him the love and family he deserves with seven uncles and six aunts plus small cousins

(*He has two uncles from me*)
(*Three aunts from Apollo*)
(*He has two aunts from axel*)
(*He has two uncles from ares*)
(*He has three uncles from Ace*)
(*And finally he has one aunt from Adonis*)

(*Adonis sister is Vanessa*)
(*Ace brothers are Zeke Carter and chandler*)
(*Ares brothers are Casey and tanner*)
(*axel sisters are tanya and sia *)
(*apollo's sisters are Sasha Callie and marie*)
(*dane's brothers are Marcus and ricky*)

So he has alot of family including our parents only three of us have moms and not two dads

But they all get along well love us with all they have and we love them the same and we are really looking forward to surprising them with thier new grandson

They have no idea we are adopting him or that we have chosen our new baby yet

They are gonna be so excited and have so many questions

Not first we need to be able to get him a little bit settled in first before we introduce them to thier new grandson

We may not get to hold him a lot after they find out knowing them as well as we do

They will immediently want to come down here to see him and we want some time with him before that happens

After hours we finally get the ok to take him home with us we pick up his helmet then head straight home and put him in his crib for the night with his helmet on him that was also doctors orders too

We just hope he loves it here in his new forever home with us our new sweet baby boy forever

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