•Chapter 7•

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Athena's POV

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Athena's POV

I wake up to feeling an arm around my shoulders and whatever I'm laying on breathing.

I carefully move my head, and see that it was not a bed but Kit.

I slowly move his arms not waking him. About five minutes later I successfully get out of his grasp softly falling onto the floor.

When I grab my phone I gasp and quickly stand up, causing the others to wake up suddenly. On my phone it reads 7:29am and my morning ice time started at 7:00 and ends at 9:00.

I rush to the room where all my stuff is and start getting ready in a record time. I'm rushing to the kitchen while simultaneously putting my hair in a ponytail.

"What's wrong?" Joe asks while coming out of his room. "I'm late as fuck and my phone is fucking dead." I groan popping some toast in the toaster.

"Do you want me to make your lunch and come give it to you at the rink?" He asks.

I sigh in relief, "could you that would actually be awesome Joe." I say smiling at him.

The toast gets finished, and I throw some peanut butter on it. And rush my goodbyes and leave.

Lunch is in 30 minutes and Joe being Joe he is already here. And he brought Kit and Yaz with him. I give them a small wave, and get back to trying to land my quad flip perfectly.

On the third try I fall hardly on the ice, it taking me longer to get up. "Are you okay do you need a break?" My coach asks with concern. I shake my head no.

On the fifth try I lay on the ground for a even longer time. And by the tenth try I just lay there tears leaking out of my eyes out of frustration.

Coach skates towards me, I throw myself up. "I COULD LAND THIS A WEEK AGO! WHY CAN'T I ALL OF SUDDEN. GOD WHAT THE HELL." I yell and start skating to my starting spot.

"Maybe we should take it out of your program Athena, you could do a beautiful triple lutz and still have a secure podium spot." She tells me sympathetically.

Suddenly her phone rings signaling it's lunch break. "Okay let's talk about it after lunch," she tells me as she puts her hand on my shoulder.

I shake off her hand, "I'm not hungry, could you go tell Joe to go home." I say trying to do my quad another time unsuccessfully.

"ATHENA GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE!" I hear a voice yell startling me. I look over and groan when I see Joe seething holding a paper bag.

I skate shamefully over to him next to him was Kit. "What?" I say simply wanting to try again until I get it.

"What do you mean you aren't hungry?" He asks still holding down my stare. "I'm just not." I say shrugging, "Athena." He says simply and i immediately start tearing up.

He opens the door to get on the ice and I walk out onto the rubber and just hug him.

"What if my parents were right? What if I'm not fit to be a good figure skater." I ask pathetically, he pulls away from me and grabs my face.

"Your parents were wrong Athena, it's that simple, okay you will get it your just having a bad day okay? But you can't force yourself like this you have to eat, you will get injured if you don't." He says still holding my face.

I nod and he lets go handing me the bag. That's when I notice Kit walked away and sat a few feet away from us. Once he notices that I'm fine now he stands up and starts walking toward us.

"Hi Kit," I say giving him a small wave. "Hit Athena," he says returning my wave with a bigger one and a smile.

A/N: when I finished this chapter my sister was vomiting and I have emetophobia or how ever you spell it so I was blasting Taylor swift in my headphones😛

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A/N: when I finished this chapter my sister was vomiting and I have emetophobia or how ever you spell it so I was blasting Taylor swift in my headphones😛

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