Chapter 19 - 1st Year of University + Still Fucking Covid (rest of 2021)

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Mid-September 2021

Princess Helena had 4 choices which University would she choose?

She considered it a lot and made her choice. She called her parents and told them.

Helena: I already know which University I'm going to.
Kate: Yeah.
Helen: Yes, yes.
William: So what is it?
Helena: It's Liverpool John Moores University.
William: Very well. And what is the course?
Helena: The course is History and International Politics.
Kate: Very well.
William: Daughter because you are 3rd in the line of succession you will live in an apartment where some security will be close to you. But as we are still in a pandemic, you will still have to take online classes, but when the government announces that there will be no more online classes, when you go to university you will be accompanied by two security guards, and when you leave you will be picked up by security.
Helen: Okay.
Kate: Do you have the subjects/subjects you will have?
Helen: Yes I do.

Kate: Do you have the subjects/subjects you will have?Helen: Yes I do

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TheSun: Princess Helena chooses Liverpool University!!

Dayly Mirror: Rumors "...I'm going to the city that has the biggest club in the world.LIVERPOOL!!!"

GBNEWS: Princess Helena chooses Liverpool!!

CNN: Liverpool the next stop for Princess Helena!

SkyNews: Beatles Town welcomes Princess Helena for the next 3 years.

BBC: Helena's next step in her life in the city of Liverpool.


From mid-September to early December, the princess studied and watched documentaries in which she made works and presentations to the class. Then before the holidays, the class and Helena took tests on the subjects, and a week later the results came in which they had excellent results including Princess Helena who had the best grades.

Also in November, the prime minister said that the United Kingdom had already passed the covid in which standards would be normalized, meaning that students could already attend classes, football games and concerts could have an audience and that also cafes and restaurants. shopping malls and theaters could open.

Sandrigham Estate (Christmas and New Years)

After the 1st period ended, Helena with the security team went to Sandrigham where they traveled by commercial plane (from Liverpool airport to Norwich airport - 4h and 10 minutes of travel) after leaving the plane there were already three cars waiting for him, the princess got in, greeted the driver, and they drove to the Sandrigham Estate. (...) after 1h and 20 minutes by car, he parked and stopped the car, Princess Helena was already out of the car, three children hugged her in which she reciprocated and said.

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