Chapter 2

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The black skeleton was staring at the window, holding his chest in pain. "Dream, why did you create that lullaby?" He asked, letting his golden tears rolling down off his tears. "You're not like any other Dreams in each timeline, you ignored the pain, you ignore what the cruel world did to you."

His speech was interrupted when someone knocking the door. "Shattered, It's Delusion from Dreamswap, who are you talking to?"

"... Nothing, you may come in you know. I don't need any permissions as long you are Dream AUs or Timelines, no one else. Except our brothers..." Shattered said, flowing his tears down to his face making him wipe them. He cussed under his breath. "Ah... Sh*t..."

"Shattered, you're crying. What happened!? Did someone insulting you!?" Delusion panicked, once he entered the room. "I will those b*st**ds right now! Who are they!? How do they looked like!?"

"... It's not that, it's just..." He hesitate before he continued. "You haven't hear Dream's lullaby?" He asked, sitting on the bed that was next to him. "It's hurt to hear. Those words, the chorus part will repeat in your mind. It was non-stop, of course it will stop but it will repeat again any moment."

"How his lullaby stuck in your head? Tell me how's that chorus started like?" The yellow bird asked, looking at him with curiosity. "I'm sure, It wasn't that bad, right?"

Shattered stood silent, looking away before he answered. "You go meet Dream. I ain't wanna r-remember it..." He almost sob but he was lucky he managed to held a little longer. "You hear by yourself, I hope you won't regret it."

⊱ ────── {.⋅ ♫ ⋅.} ───── ⊰

Dream was greeted by the sun as he woke up from his dream. His dream was nothing special, all he can see was black except seeing his brother was crying in tears about his death but he was sure that it isn't really going to happen. He noticed two of his friends are still asleep with tears in their eyes.

The mother (Dream) whispered quietly to calm them down, saying warm and nice things. "It's okay, it's okay, shh~. I'm still here. No need to cry."

Ever since I made that lullaby, everyone started to cry. It wasn't so sad right? It's only a lullaby. He sighed, getting off of his bed before he went down stairs. He was shocked that he has unexpected guest as he froze at his spot.

"E-Eclispe, what are you doing in my house? How you even know I lived here?" He was lucky that his unexpected guest was Eclipse from Empireverse instead of the original Nightmare!sans. His original name was Empireverse!Nightmare but he was given a nickname from Dream as Eclipse so no one will get confuse. "Did your brother tell you where I live?"

Eclipse didn't answer but grabbed his hand, dragging out to his palace without any words from him causing Dream looked at him in confusion. Once they were finally in the palace, the other Nightmare AUs (except the original Nightmare himself because he wasn't apart of the group) were assembled in the throne room.

"Um, Eclipse, what was going on? Why the whole Nightmare AUs are here assembly in your throne?" Dream asked as he finally gets it. "Am I going to get punish for not making the right thing!?"

"Sing..." Eclipse whispered loudly, didn't look at him.

"What?" The other looked confused.

"Sing your darn lullaby!! Show them that you're in a true pain than us all!!" The Empire Of Moon yelled him, causing Dream to panicked in fear.

"Eclipse, don't be so harsh to Dreamy." Passive said, glaring at him with unhappy face. "You'll making him more worst than before."

"It's fine, Passive. It was my fault that I didn't hear him." Dream smile warmly at him. "Are you sure? Aren't you going to regret this? I mean, why do you want you hear? Everytime someone hear my lullaby, they begin to cry."

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