Chapter 7

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After putting the things we bought away, I excused myself, grabbed my computer, and headed down the beach, hoping to get started on my book or something. Being around Gabe is messing with my head. It's like I'm fifteen all over again and every ounce of attention he throws my way makes me crave more.

I hated seeing those women ogling him at the store like he was a piece of meat they were ready to devour. But I have no business getting jealous. He's Maria's brother, for heaven's sake. I should be over this ridiculous crush by now. I've seen what men can do, and I'm definitely not ready to get my heart broken again, especially by Gabe.

Not thinking much, I open my computer and go over my notes. I have to decide if I'll sign this contract they offered me or not. So, I go over it one more time.

I don't know how much time has passed, but when I feel my eyes burning, I turn off my computer and head inside. Things do look pretty standard and I'm really inclined to sign the contract.

Maybe if I force myself to write, I'll be able to get out of my funk.

As I walk back to the house, I can hear the gentle tunes of Gabe's guitar coming from his room. The loud ticking of the clock on the wall reminds me we have only a few hours before we need to head to Ed's. The sugar-free apple pie recipe I found online is super easy to make and soon I'm putting it in the oven.

Setting the oven's alarm up, I turn just in time to see a freshly showered Gabe entering the kitchen. He's wearing a pair of light-wash jeans, sans shirt. I need to force myself not to ogle. His hair is wet and curling at the edges, and he's looking all shades of handsome right now.

"Can you check the pie while I get ready?" I ask.

"Sure thing." He walks to the fridge and I hurry to go to my room.

I take my time showering and washing my hair. The warm water falling on my skin relaxes my muscles, but it is not enough to wash my attraction to Gabe away. He's the last guy I should be thinking about getting involved with. But I've caught the way he looked at me when he talked about my perfume and I just can't get it out of my mind.

Stepping deeper into the spray, I place my hands flat against the cool tile, wondering if what I saw was real. Could he also be attracted to me?

"God..." I sigh, turning off the shower and heading out to the bedroom.

Getting a white sleeveless summer dress from my bag, I start getting ready. I won't have time to do something fancy with my hair, so I just comb it and let it dry naturally. My skin is already sun-kissed, so I'll just go with some concealer, mascara, and lip gloss. Oh, and some perfume.

When I'm done, I walk to the living room to find Gabe sprawled on the couch, messing with his phone. He's wearing an off-white cotton shirt rolled up to his sleeves, and I smile when he looks up.

"Wow." He stands up, his eyes going over me from head to toe. "You look gorgeous."

"Thank you." I walk to the kitchen to hide my silly smile. "You don't look so bad yourself."

"I took the pie out of the oven." I hear him say from behind me.

"Hmmm... It smells good, right?" I ask, realizing it's cool enough that we can easily carry it to Ed's place.

"Sure does," Gabe says, and I skip a glance at him. Big mistake. He's looking at me like he can't help it; like he's happy with what he sees.

"Are you ready to go?" I wrap some paper foil around the pie, ignoring the voice in my head telling me that the look in his eyes is male interest.

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