#8 Who Did What in the Where Now?-Fearless Writing

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High Five: Meet the Panel

Mary L. Tabor: @maryltabor

Michelle Hayes: @Michelle007

Our new panelist-Thomas Bonnick: @5ithproject

Special Guest-Rebecca Sky: @RebeccaSky

Our showrunner:

Nat Bradford: @natsaninja

Rhyme Time! Please tell us a little bit about yourself; Expand on the points, while making each line rhyme.

—Favorite Quote

—Favorite Location (for vacationing or living)

—Favorite past-time

Mary: My favorite Canadian poet, Leonard Cohen, from his song anthem.

The birds they sang at the break of day

"Start again," I heard them say

Don't dwell on what has passed away

or what is yet to be.

My favorite location is Parrot Key. My past-time is to climb the metaphorical tree.

Michelle: My favorite quote comes from Eleanor Roosevelt, "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent. My favorite location: the mountains are home, where I can wear my boots and roam. On the mountain side my heart abides, and my soul flies, it flies. Past-time: I write at night when dark has moved in when I am able to compose haunting tales of sin. At times the words are of adoration and love, and others darkness that slithers from under and above.

*Rebecca: My favorite place is Ireland, though I've never been, but I hear it's a good place for redhead loudmouths to fit in. When I'm not writing, I'm probably reading, here's my favorite quote from Shel Silverstein,

Listen to the mustn'ts, child,

Listen to the don'ts

Listen to the shouldn'ts

The impossibles, the wont's

Listen to the never haves

Then listen close to me-

Anything can happen, child,

Anything can be.

Thomas: My quote is from Maya Angelou, "There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you." My favorite past-time is trying to convince my daughter that it's good enough to publish. My favorite place is where I live, about fifteen minutes outside of Toronto.

Cream or Sugar: Shoutouts from the panel. To see these shoutouts please see Two-Week Notice #4

The Entée: Questions and discussion for Episode 8

1. Every writer wants to be remembered; however, in hopes to achieve a lasting impression, many fall into the trap of not only crossing the line, but continuing to move in a direction which turns off readers. Have you ever gone a little too far? How did you come back? How would you advise another writer who has gone off the deep end?

Thomas: I try to be respectful when I write. I try not to offend anyone. If I were to receive a message saying that I offended someone, I would reach out to that person and make sure to clarify what their concerns are and do what I need to, to fix that. If you offend someone, I think it's your responsibility to see what you can do to fix it.

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