Episode 12 - Diversity Part I

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Episode Description: Here it is, folks—the amazing literary buzzword, "diversity". Why is it so vital to the realm of words? We're gonna tell you.

High Five: Meet the panel

Sarah BensonSarahBensonBooks

Rita Kovachrskovach

Lindsey Lippincott: Linna1029

*Kelly Anne Blount: KellyAnneBlount

Summer's in full swing, so for this introduction we're going to talk about what we have planned for the summer. 

Sarah: I leave early tomorrow morning for Belize for three and a half weeks. I'm taking my family down there and I'm pretty excited. Going to do crazy things like search for treasure and snorkel, and spend time with the family. 

Rita: My family will probably just take a trip to the outer banks in North Caroline. We did the same thing last year doing things like kayaking, swimming, and crabbing, so we're looking forward to that. 

Lindsey: This summer I just started working with JVC broadcasting and I'm also trying to find an internship so I can graduate college at some point. 

*Kelly: I have a couple fun things planned, I really want to finish UNDER. I have the Caroline booklets signing coming up in August. My mom and dad are coming down to visit and I'm excited to do some things around Asheville, North Carolina. 

Talking some about the Wattpad Block Party (currently going on in the month of July)

The event is the entire month of July. We are featuring over 75 authors, everything from Wattpad superstars to New York Times and USA Today Bestselling authors to up and coming writers. Everyone in The Corner Booth is going to be featured. Every day in July somewhere between 2-4 authors will be featured. 

The authors will have a feature post that can be anything from a sneak peek at a chapter Q&A sessions, questions from their fans, or even writing tips or anything they are excited to share with you. 

We're also going to have a TON of giveaways from ebooks to paperbacks, swag, t-shirts, mugs, the list is (nearly) endless.

Everyone can participate every day and the featured authors will be there to interact with their fans all day and throughout the month of July and beyond. 

Cream or Sugar: We're working on getting a place to put these. Bear with us, please!

The Entrée: Questions and discussion for episode 12

1. How can a writer creatively infuse diverse components into his/her story? Share examples of what you've done in your writing process.

Rita: I think a book can only be called diverse if the various characters and settings aren't the only ones that can tell that story. In one of my books I include various nationalities and locations, but I only chose those characters and locations to make the story more interesting. I could have substituted it out for anyone or anything. But my characters won't pass the Bechdel Test. Don't have diversity for the sake of diversity it has to have a specific meaning to your story.

Kelly: I like to write a lot of stories that incorporate my own background. I've been fortunate, I've lived over seas, I've been to three different countries and I've served as an international peer tutor for University students from around the world coming to the University I went to, and I've also worked at a couple schools with students with a myriad of different backgrounds. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2015 ⏰

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