30. What is she hiding?

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i sigh sitting on my chair

i just called gelo to tell him i will be working overnight and maybe the next day till noon so don't wait up and all

as expected he was upset

when i open my pen cap to start on the paperwork jack barges my office door open

"what is it?" i ask him totally annoyed

What can't they just let me work?

I wanna go home and relax with my gelo

"Mam, she is awake and is screaming and freaking out, we don't know what to do" he said in a hurry

I immediately rushed out of my office to my room

And when i open the door the sight in front of me makes me want to kill everyone present in the room

Three servants, covering the shaking and panicking and screaming figure of my little angel

"Get out, all of you' i say in my most deadly voice i can muster and i see everyone including my angel freeze out of fear

All the servants and jack left the room at once sensing my anger

As soon as they are out i close the door and walk towards her shrink back in fear

'Hey, its ok, i am not going to hurt you" i say in my soft voice that i only ever used on Angelo before

But that was not enough i guess as she still did not move an inch

"Look, i am putting my gun away," i say putting my gun on the dresser beside the bed in front of her

"Can I come close to you now?" i ask she was about to nod when her eyes spot the dagger strapped on my waistband

I sigh and remove the dagger from my waistband and one from each shoe as well and put it near my gun

"Now,?" i ask her

She just nods with fear still in her pretty eyes

"What is your name? My name is Evangeline" i say sitting on the other corner of the bed

"Felicity, " she replied

"Beautiful name darling" I say as she blushes hard "now, do you want to tell me what you were doing in that dangerous place late at night?" i ask her slowly

She shakes her head no and i sigh

"Well, your wound is bad, stay here for the night and i will drop you off at your place tomorrow" i say as i look at her

She shakes her head again

"What is that supposed to mean little flower?" i ask her

Seriously? Little flower? What in the world is wrong with me?

"I need to go, mam will be worried" she says

"Mam?" i ask

"I am an orphan, mam is in charge of the orphanage i live in" she says in a low tone

"Well, how about I call your mam and explain? How does that sound? Or do you still want to go to the orphanage?" i ask and she just shrugs and takes her phone and gave it to me

So i guess i was to speak with her mom

So i ask her to unlock the phone and then i call her mom

Hope this goes well

After a few rings a women pickles up and starts to whisper as the phone was on speaker she heard it as well

"Felicity, are you nuts, why are you not back yet? She is pissed off" i hear a lady say

"I don't think i will be back tonight" she says

"Are you listening to yourself right now?" she whisper shouts at my little flower

"I am hurt, i am in the hospital, i will call mam later and explain" she said and quickly hung up

"I thought i was the one who was supposed to speak little flower" i chuckled

"Sister Mary is nice, i can talk to her" she says as she yawns

"Looks like its bed time, sleep well, i will come to you in the morning" i say and tuck her in and leave after making sure she was asleep

As soon as i was out i call for jack and ask him to do a background search on her, just the basic info as i don't want to pry too much

And so i worked till the files came

After three hours jack entered the door with a very nervous look on his face

'Mam, t... the back.... Background ch..check, is terr, i mean back' he shuttered

''What is it, just spit it out, why are you shuttering that much?" i ask him annoyed

'Well, her name is fe.. Felicity..."

"I know that, what about it?" i ask him

"Schmidt" he said and i froze

"Felicity Schmidt" he said again

"Oh my god" i sigh out loud

Why is this happening to me

"So what are you going to do mam?" he asks me

"Just leave the file and leave, i need to think" i say as he left

She is Schmidt, if so why is she lying about living in an orphanage?

Why and what is she hiding?

Just as i was about to think of something, a girl knocks on my door informing that her bullet wound is all bandaged up and she an leave the Wearhouse any time

"Ok, let her take rest for sometime and then drop her off safely at her house" i say and start working on my files

Again when i was about to open a new file on my laptop my phone starts ringing

"What the fuck do you want?" i shout picking up the call

"It's 11:45 already, are you working the night again?" asked Angelo completely ignoring my rudeness "oh, and be nice next time anyone calls, don't be that rude" i take it back

"Yeah, i have been stalling the work since long, i think i am working the night" i say back

"Ohh, we were worried" he said

"We?" i ask

"Mom, dad, me and our brothers" he said

"Oh yeah, i will try to be home soon" i say and hang up

Finally i can work

ok so...............

as you can see 

i am back 

i have three points to make 

1) i am NOT GIVING UP ON THIS BOOOK! during these days i received tones of dm's asking if i am discontinuing this book 

2) this part of the story is  totally different from the original one which i wrote and got deleted so i want to make it clear that 


yes, you have something to say you are open to request a plot, you can always comment it at any part of the book or you can message me personally 

3) this book will have SLOW UPDATES as i have no clue what i wrote before and i need more inspo to write more 

see you all soon 

Dangerously Innocent TwinsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ