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{At night....}

[On the dining table eating your...food]

You: and....you know what..I took a dress in 40¥awns only.....i am good in bargaining..."smirk"

Tae: Subi...?

You: yess...tae..

Tae: I want to ask that~w.......

*Door bell rings*
**** **** ****

You: wait let me check!! You eat...

***He nooded**and you went to open the door.....
When you open...the door you saw a familiar face...which made you shocked.....

You: J~jimin you....!! Please come inside...

"As you welcomed him....in house"

You: Tae...he is my best friend...Jimin., and jimin he is my boyfriend... Taehyung

Jimin: "he smiles to Taehyung...and makes a hand Shake....with him"...nice to meet you Taehyung...

Tae: you too jimin...please join us ...and have a Dinner.."smiles"

You: btw...jimin..I am really shocked to see you here...why did you come to BUSAN..?

Jimin: Is your boyfriend... Taehyung know about him??

You: ye~ss..he knows about Jungkook...
But what happen...? Is Jungkook Okayy!!

Jimin:  *sigh* He is fine....but he was finding you everywhere...in these 2months... he send his man to Busan also.....
I want to tell you about...this so.. ....I came to Busan...

You: w~whatt...but I already give him Devorce...now there is nothing between him and me....
I am Not Going Back In His Life!!..
and I moved on also....
Me and Taehyung...also going to marry soon~.....

Jimin: but his man's can come anytime....here

Tae: Who the man they are ....I am not  .. Letting her go anywhere.....No NEVER....She is mine....

You: Jimin...you tell him about my address??

Jimin: N~no subi I didn't....tell him anything....he was doing phone call to me daily ....but I didn't respond him...

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