34| Dolina

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With a face as red as a tomato, I exited the room to see the maid standing in front of me.

"Madame, ye'er burnin'. Er ye sick-"

"I-I'm fine." I let out a nervous laugh. "It's just hot here."

Finlay beside me let out a chuckle, and I held the urge to strangle him. The maid frowned but said nothing.

"Madame Dolina would like yer company after breakfast-"

"I'm not hungry." I waved my hand. "Take me to Dolina."

The maid argued for me to eat first, and it took a lot of power to make her take me to Dolina. She walked towards the stairs and the hallway looked familiar.

"She's taking you towards my room," Finlay answered in my confusion.

Where were these stairs last night when I needed them?!

I heard people talking inside and the maid gestured for me to go in. I knocked on the door and heard a manly voice.

"Com' in." That's Neil.

Opening the door, I saw Dolina sitting next to Finlay with Rosa and Neil. There was another guy in a white coat I assumed was the doctor.

"Good morning." I greeted them.

"More like no'on." Neil snorted, and I gave him a tight smile.

Scabby bassa.

"Com' 'ere." Dolina patted the bed. "Rosa told meh whit happened last night. Thiz iz our family doctor. He'z goin' to check if somethin' iz wron'."

"Ah took a blood sample an' will run sem tests on it." The doctor said, zipping his bag. "Hopefully, the result will com' out tomor'row an' Ah'll let ye ken."

"Ah'll see ye out, doctor." Neil got up and gave me a side glance before walking out with the doctor.

"Mah poor Finlay." Dolina sniffed, running her hand through his hair. "For'rgive meh for the things Henry did to ye, an' ah couldn't dae anythin' to stop it. For'rgive meh, ah couldn't 'elp yer mither... Please com' back."

"Ah'll let ye two talk." Rosa gave me a sad smile and then walked out of the room, leaving me with Dolina and Finlay.

"Ah feel so horrible for mah baby." A tear slid down her cheek. "He had a very rough childhood."

"What happened?" I asked cautiously.

"Henry loathed Aurora for comin' into Fergus's life. Even though he let Aurora live widh uz, he made the poor hen's life miserable. Ridiculin' her every time he saw her..." she began rambling in her thick accent that I couldn't understand half of the words, but I got the idea.

Henry treated Aurora like sh*t whenever Fergus wasn't around.

"What?" My eyes widened when she mentioned once Henry forced a maid to hide Finlay from Aurora and she went ballistic, trying to find her infant child.

"Aurora snapped an' left widh 'er son. Fergus tried to stop 'er, but she was determined." She breathed in, wiping her cheek. "We dinnae ken she was sick, but Henry did. He ken, an' he still did nothin' for 'er an' she died."

I blinked my eyes, speechless at her confessions.

"Ah couldn't stop mah husband because he was ruthless, an' he wasn't done, not even after she died. Fergus raised Finlay 'ere after Aurora passed away. People used to insult Henry for having an illegitimate grandchild, an' he used to take it out of my poor kid."

"What did he do to Finlay?"

She went full-on Scottish accent mood after that and I focused on what she was saying.

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