Lucky Jack

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"Jack there you are." Alexis says as she comes over to Jack seeing him.

"Alexis?" A voice asks revealing to be Grace, Mrs. Calloway, and Maggie.

"Oh hey ladies. Just trying to keep up with my friend." Alexis says.

"I thought you ran alone?" Maggie asks.

"I do but I sometimes hang around Jack. What are you guys doing out here?" Alexis asks.

"Heading home. You see Grace and l are returning to our farm... to say our last good-byes." Mrs. Calloway says.

"Yeah. We need closure." Grace says.

"Well l can sympathize there sister. l truly can. Until recently l too had a home. Echo Mine it was called. Us jackrabbits lived there for generation after generation. Till some land-grabbing bandit moved in... and flushed us out like yesterday's oatmeal." Jack says.

"Ahem. us. My good fellow we must be on our way." Mrs. Calloway says.

"Wait! There he is!" Jack shouts as the group sees Alemeda slim in the distance.

"He's the one who took your home Jack?" Alexis asks.

"Without a doubt." Jack says.

"Maggie what are you thinking?" Mrs. Calloway says as she looks at Maggie.

"Look l got a score to settle with that fat boy... and nothing to lose." Maggie says determinedly.

"But it'll be dangerous going after Slim all by yourself." Grace says in concern.

"Hey l got the rabbit." Maggie says.

"I'll come too. I dislike humans but I dislike ones like Slim even more." Alexis says.

"You're definitely a lot nicer than Buck. He didn't want anything to do with us." Maggie says.

"Buck might be cute but he can be a royal pain at times." Alexis says.

"Cute?" Maggie asks.

"Uh never mind." Alexis says nervously.

"That's not all you got Maggie. You got us." Grace says.

"Oh, no. No, no, no. No. We are sticking to our plan and going home." Mrs. Calloway says.

"Hold on you two. As crazy as this sounds Grace is actually making sense. You want the money... and l want to get even with Slim. The three of us go together and we're sure to get him. Once you the reward l'll walk out your gate... and l'll stay out of it forever. Deal?" Maggie asks.

"Your powers of persuasion are uncanny. Deal." Mrs. Calloway says as she shakes hooves with Maggie.

"Let's get moving ladies. Time for an underground smackdown." Jack says as the group gets moving.

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