The Train

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"Call me crazy but l think these cows and crazy mare got it in for me." Slim says as the group is roped and pushed into a train care before being locked in.

"Buck you can't seriously be okay with working for someone who is the enemy. Buck!" Alexis says as she sees Buck with Rico on his back.

"Oh ignore him Alexis. It's no use." Mrs. Calloway says.

"Now if you'll all excuse me... there's a Little Patch of Heaven... on the auction block this morning." Slim says before he leaves.

"He's going to buy our farm!" Grace says in alarm.

"Well it's not like we can stop him from in here." Alexis says before the group sees Buck outside fighting the men.

"Make a break for it ladies! Run!" Buck shouts.

"Buck what are you doing?" Alexis asks.

"Buck have you gone crazy?!" Maggie asks.

"Now that's possible! Or maybe l just figured out who the real heroes are!" Buck shouts.

"Wait! What if this is some kind of trick?" Grace asks.

"It's not a trick. I know Buck well enough to know he isn't bluffing. Come on!" Alexis says as she shifts to wolf form.

"Alexis!?" Grace asks in alarm.

"Talk later. Right now let's get out of this thing." Alexis says as she and the others ram the door.

"This is useless. Let's put our heads together. More brain and less brawn." Mrs. Calloway says.

"All right! Okay Calloway fetch!" Maggie says as she puts Mrs. Calloway's hat out the door before Mrs. Calloway angrily breaks down the door.

"Fat lot of good it done us to get out. Alameda Slim has already flown the coop." Maggie says seeing slim is gone.

"She's right. Unless we sprout wings we'll never make it back in time." Grace says.

"l can't believe what l'm hearing. This train goes by Little Patch of Heaven." Mrs. Calloway says as she gestures to the train.

"What is in the cud you've been chewin'? How are we supposed to drive that thing?" Maggie asks.

"How? How? l'll tell you how! The same way we off the farm into the unknown. The same way we fought off those burly barmaids. And the same way we braved the wilderness... without the benefit of food or water. We caught Slim once and we can do it again! Who's with me?" Mrs. Calloway asks before everyone frees the other trapped cows and starts using the train to get to Little Patch of Heaven.

Show Me Love Home On The Range Buck X OC AlexisWhere stories live. Discover now