Chapter Nine

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  Aerglo bent his neck backside to look at himself in the mirror, which was in the middle of his room, the room wasn't as simple as his old one in OldCastle, the bed was definitely more comfortable and bigger. With columns as tall as the ceiling, in its early days in the Red Keep he had carved wood decorations of roses. There was a canopy that surrounded the bed, it was a yellow that matched not only the colors of her house but also his bruises.

Sitting on the bed was his muse, leaning on the right post of the bed, with the muscles of the posterior part on display. It was an ordinary boy, whom he had found in the streets, asked the servants for a bath and wanted to paint him.

"You could be of the dragon's blood." Aerglo commented, tracing the brush on the white board in front of him, it was supported by the easel, the godet had only light colors, contrasting with the white hair of the man in front of him.

"The fight for the throne is far from me." The older man answered him, he had short hair, which before the bath could not be noticed. "A fight was not so far from you." Alavin Waters raised an eyebrow at the younger boy. Indicating his injuries.

"Not for the throne, but on his account." Explained Aerglo without giving too much detail. Gently running the brush along the torso of the figure. Demarcating all the muscles. "Sure you're not someone's bastard from Valyria?" he questioned, making notes in his mind.

"Is that why you took an interest in me?" questioned the man. Aerglo denied, focusing on the painting. "I would have the eyes if it were." He answered at last.

"I was interested because you are handsome." Aerglo simply said. Peering out from behind the frame to see the man's reaction. "There are princes with one eye, and others of Valyria with one of each color, what matters is legitimacy and a good body." Aerglo smiled and stood up, seeing the man bear the same smile, before placing the youngest in his lap.

It had been at least two weeks since the fight with Aemond and Aerglo was spending his days with a hobby. A painting that would take a few days to finish and that each day that passed, a new detail was added. A new purple to Alavin's body.

Aemond and Aerglo were not seeing eachother. The time he didn't spend with Alavin, he spent with his dragon, or training his weapons skills, outside of Targaryen time.

It was no secret that the bastard was always in Aerglo's room, no one understood why someone so ordinary was destined for the boy's artistic gifts, but they didn't expect anything but a wonderful painting, the one of his family was already being the talk of the kingdoms. Many were heading to OldCastle to celebrate the Perzys' memory by seeing the painting.

"I think we're done painting." Aerglo declared after the two dressed. Alavin looked unhappy with the situation. He took the man's hand and guided him to the painting, showing the perfect portrait of his room and the man posted on the bedpost, his eyes capturing a sad expression, during the days Perzys had to adapt with his photographic memory, because he was happier every day. "The man who was abandoned by his beloved." He winked at the not so older man who was staring dazedly at the painting.

"It's amazing." Since the first day, it was the most sincere smile Aerglo had seen, not one of desire but pure fascination. "Are you going to abandon me like that man?" Questioned Alavin, sincerely.

"Living in the red keep prevents me from not abandoning." Lie. "But I will reward the man monetarily for his services. When it sells, I'll give you half. It will be good for a better life and you to find someone." Aerglo smiled at the man.

"My services... Do I fuck you, or do I pose for you?" Questioned the man, again arching his eyebrow.

The man resembled Aemond so much that Aerglo assumed he was the king's bastard son.

"Both, but you're not a whore, don't worry." Aerglo assured him and walked towards the door of his chambers. Passing by a table and picking up a bag of coins and handing it to Alavin, startling him with the weight. "See, not a whore. Thanks for the services. I'll make sure you get your half." The man left in a daze, a hand landing on his shoulder and guiding him out. Aerglo closed his door and sat down on his bed, fast asleep.

Dear brother,

You shall have a niece or nephew.

We will hurry the wedding, we expect you in two moons.

Regards, Maekar.

It was by unrolling a letter delivered by a maester that Aerglo was awakened. A smile didn't escape his face since he'd burned the letter, the official invitations would arrive and having a child before marriage was not well-regarded. His family was growing again and that brought the boy enormous happiness.

As soon as he opened the door with a smile on his face, he was met by a knock on his face.

"What the hell is that?" Aerglo questioned, seeing Aemond with his hand raised as a sign of knocking at the door, but was met by Aerglo's face. The older one pulled himself together and did the same thing to Aemond's nose lightly, just as it had done to him.

"What the hell is that?" Aemond repeated, laying his hand on his nose.

"Whatever happens to me, has to happen to you." Aerglo replied, the smile still not gone from his face. Aemond realized they were on good terms.

"I came to apologize." Aemond explained his presence ignoring Aerglo's childishness, noticing all the bruises disappearing from his face, the older one noticed the same thing, only a cut on the younger one's lip indicated what had happened.

"I'm sorry, your mom and grandpa hate me now." Aerglo commanded, with the same goofy smile present since morning.

"You disappeared, I was left searching the skies every day. Your wounds festered and you appeared to me with a smile as if nothing had happened." Aerglo made room for Aemond to enter as he apologized. The violet eyes landed on the painting that was still on the easel as he walked.

"The dragon's blood woke up in me, I apologize for that too. However, there was nothing to worry about, every time I spent with Zaldrītsos it heals. Dragons are magic, Aemond, as are the traits on my body." Aerglo explained, for the boy to understand, he lowered his shirt, where most of the lines were and saw Aemond's mouth open slowly, looking down, he saw a purple that shouldn't be there. Aerglo smiled awkwardly, and quickly replaced his clothes.

"It was my mistake, you could have died for my vanity." Aemond decided to ignore the hickey on Aerglo's collarbone and not start a pointless argument, but he felt his gaze land on the painting. "Skori vetran bona everything bona happens naejot ao, nyke ȳdra daor ivestragon nūmāzma ao lēda diva." When I say that everything that happens to you, I don't say about you with man. But it started anyway.

"Shut up. I accept the apologies." Aerglo finished it off seconds after it started. "While traveling with Zaldrītsos I came across an ancient Valyrian outpost. Let's go to the dragon's pit. I'll show you. Hae iā raqiros, daor iā valītsos raqiros." As a friend, not a boy friend. Aerglo invited him, letting go of all the hatred he still felt for Aemond, for the trauma, for the happiness that was that day.

A/N Two chapters in one day yayy

Aerglo (Aemond Targaryen x Male OC)Where stories live. Discover now