Chapter Sixteen

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 Blane finished putting on Aerglo's armor, who cames from his knightman's name, its metal was completely red, he had spent time trying not to look like Prince Daemon's. He had decorated it as if the dragon's fire, starting from his chest, going down to his feet.

He made the details in gold, Aerglo liked to tell stories in form of art and throughout his body he told about when the Perzys arrived in Westeros, mounted on two dragons that he brandished on his chest, along with his riders. The fire that lay down to his feet was momentarily forgotten with important figures from his home, the latter decorating his back, with the dragons of his brothers and his parents.

His helmet was decorated with displays of fire, a darker red compared to the gold of the rest of his armor. His face was completely covered, and around his eyes he wore red paint, which looked like his face was also consumed by fire.

"How's the mapping of the tournament? Just say if it's bad or good." Aerglo questioned Blane, holding his helmet in his hands. The tent wasn't shared, at least not for him, living in King's Landing had its privileges, being Aemond's friend too,

"Conflicting, I would say." Blane answered him with a fake smile on her face, avoiding the complication in his gaze.

"With Cole not present, I'm more than okay. Is Torrey cool?" Aerglo didn't have any will to fight Criston, his father had told how it was a blow from behind that had caused Daemon to surrender. Torrey was his horse, a russet stallion, he had the same armor as his owner.

"You've spent weeks riding him and training him, obviously he's cool." Blane answered him, looking around the small tent for a padded, and securing his place there, highly doubting Aerglo's abilities to sit down before a fight, he was uneasy. "Are your sword skills good, should you wish to continue the fight?" he questioned, briefly glancing at the shield bearing the sigil of the house, the two brothers who had come to Westeros on their dragons.

"I drew with Aemond a while back and beat Ser Erryk the day before that." Aerglo answered him by turning to pick up his sword and twirling it around in his hand.

"He is very close to Aemond, he even forgot about me." Blane teased, his voice laced with malice, Aerglo took a few steps and slapped his arm, which the squire quickly complained. "You're in armor, you piece of shit."

"It's for you to learn not to suggest shit." Aerglo turned again and motioned with his head for the two to leave the tent to meet the other competitors. Aerglo held the cloth out, holding it for Blane to step out after him.

It was in an area where the bleachers could already be seen, Blane was behind holding Aerglo's helmet and shield. Several knights were already posted in the area, chatting and some glowering. Their horses were side by side tethered to a small wooden barrier.

Aerglo felt a heavy gaze on his back and saw Ser Jaspion Wylde, twin brother of his stepmother, the late Lady Maella. The boy turned his face, nodding to the men who quickly ignored him, but continued to stare at him.

Aerglo approached Terrance Aerin, a smile on his face, he was a serious man, a few years older, but his proximity to Aerglo brought a happiness to his face.

"Good Morning." Wished Aerglo, with Blane following. Terrance looked up quickly in recognition, pulling him into an embrace, the two in armor had make a dry noise in the air.

"I hope we don't meet, it would be sad to make your face uglier." Terrance sneered at him after they parted. Aerglo snorted and let out a laugh.

"My face is beautiful, I'm even considering not wearing the helmet. I'm going to conquer a lady." Aerglo sneered, the smile still on his face, seeing Terrance. The man was one of his many loves that had passed in his life. He was handsome, with shoulder-length black hair and brown eyes, a straight nose, which the white-haired man took his time to paint perfectly and straight.

Aerglo (Aemond Targaryen x Male OC)Where stories live. Discover now