Chapter Eleven

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A/N Double update. Yayy

  Aerglo was startled by Aemond's acceptance, he had never imagined that Aemond would one day be painted by him. He had said jokingly, with no further intentions, he suddenly lost his artistic gifts from fright.

"Would you rather have the sapphire eye? I can imagine and do." Asked Aerglo. Taking his materials and placing them on the smooth stone in the middle of the two. Aemond stared at him, he had never so much confidence in someone to show his eye, or lack thereof. Aerglo was incredibly special.

"I'd rather you didn't kiss some bastard." Aemond answered him by going back to the beginning of the day and the discussion he planned to start and Aerglo to end. The older one laid down the material and glanced sharply at Aemond. I'd rather you kiss me. The words were unspoken but felt by the Targaryen, with each retreat Perzys the more eager he became to show his emotions.

"You don't want my friendship anymore just because I kiss men? Your brother has children with your sister, by the gods, Aemond." Aerglo argued, he hadn't given up sketching his drawing, so his gaze was aimed only at the paper, dipping his brush in ink.

"I'm complaining you're kissing a bastard, could be a female, I don't care. You matter more than that." Aemond countered, watching the boy quickly scribble across the landscape around him. The impressive thing is that even with the speed, the details looked faithful, even if in a sketch and not the final product.

"I am happy today, Aemond. Don't stress me please. With or without the eye, or with the eye patch?" He questioned Aerglo again, lifting his gaze from the drawing to the boy in front of him. Despite dictating himself as older, the Perzys boy was less than a year apart.

"With the eyepatch." Aemond replied. Catching Aerglo's eye, before he focused on his drawing. Occasionally looking around, picking up everything he needed for the sketch, his memory of it would unnaturally help him later when he put it on a canvas.

"I made a portrait of your highnesses, to redeem myself from our exchange of blows. We could redeem ourselves in a sword fight this time, what do you think?" Aerglo questioned after a few quiet minutes, just working and Aemond trying to stay as still as he could, which earned small smiles from the older boy.

"We could. You might as well come to dinner and not eat in your room, as usual. Nymeria always does." Proposed Aemond, giving the drawing a quick glance, seeing the semicircle of the complete deities, the sketch came with a view from the sea, as if the waters themselves were watching them. Aerglo picked up his face, and lifted it up.

"Don't look." He said. "If you go to my brother's wedding, I will attend." Aerglo made the counter-proposal. The news took the prince by surprise, furrowing his brows. "Don't make your face ugly, stop frowning." Aerglo commanded, catching a low chuckle from Aemond.

"Is your brother getting married so quickly? It hasn't been that long since they got engaged." Aemond questioned, again trying not to move as much as he could.

"Ah, true love, makes marriages come faster." Aerglo made up an excuse, with a sneer in it. "Breathe, my prince, who will protect me if you die. Oh gosh." The boy scoffed.

"We have a fair fight, you come to dinner, not just tonight and I'll go to your brother's wedding. And I keep breathing to protect the man who broke my rib." Aemond sneered, drawing a smile from Aerglo. Which Aemond, even without a photographic memory, would trouble his mind for a while.


The two returned after a few hours on the island, Aerglo did not let Aemond see the drawing, which was met with arguments between the two, but the elder was adamant in Aemond only to see it after he passed to the painting.

They arrived almost at dinnertime, Aemond and Aerglo hurried to their respective rooms to clean themselves of the beach sand and wear something more formal for dinner.

A servant was waiting for the Perzys at the door of his room. As he left, Aerglo took the paintings he had made for the king and queen.

He walked in a fast mode through the castle till he arrived to where he was supposed to be a few minutes late. Two guards were in front of the door guarding the dinner that was happening inside, nodding to the two, they opened the door.

The servant coming up behind him, holding the two paintings. His clothes were in a black tone this time, he had come without his sword, out of respect, despite finding himself naked without it.

The eyes of the table turned to him. Though they knew of his presence, as a chair was vacant to Aemond's left. The king and queen sat beside the king's hand, while across the table, to Aemond's right, came Aegon, Helaena, and Nymeria. The twins of the royal guard were present, one at each corner of the table. As well as being abominable Criston Cole.

"Aerglo Perzys, good to see you boy." Viserys greeted him, voice weak, looking like it took a lot to speak, his condition had deteriorated since his visit with Maekar in a terrible way, his face looked like it wanted to shatter. Aerglo bowed before the king and sat to Aemond's left.

"Sorry for the delay, I brought gifts for your highness es." Aerglo beckoned to the servant who accompanied him, as he presented the gifts to the King and Queen with a hearty salutation. The paintings measured almost two meters.

Alicent looked in wonder at her own portrait as Viserys smiled. Aerglo took the moment to greet everyone at the table with a nod and a smile to his sister, who did the same. Aemond watched Aerglo's profile with interest, the heads of Aegon, Helaena, and Nymeria trying to look at the paint.

"You didn't have to make me any less ugly, boy." Viserys commented with a smile after returning the painting to the servant. Alicent was still watching herself. "You have an indisputable talent, I am happy with the honor of being immortalized by you." Aerglo smiled, a compliment from the king, it could be the last things he would hear from the king, and a lot of people apparently.

"Your handsomeness" Everyone laughed, including the king, who leaned back after laughing and coughing. "The portrait it's you, in one of the first time I saw you when I came to King's Landing, tried to replicate Balerion in the background, even though I have never seen him. But other side that, didn't change a thing, just you in your golden times."

"I and the king are grateful, we consider the past forgotten. We'll put it in our quarters." Alicent thanked him and finally handed the painting back to the servant, a rare genuine smile escaping her lips. Otto Hightower was looking at him with the boy's insight.

"Paint me, as your prince I order you to paint me." Aegon commanded, Aerglo's hand trembling under the table finding refuge and gripping where his sword would be. He hated orders. He hated it with all his soul, that's why he had hated coming to King's Landing.

"Aegon, dear, I don't think that's necessary." Alicent answered her son.

"I order you to paint me, Perzys." Aegon continued. Aerglo felt a weight on his hand. At his right side, Aemond squeezed his hand, Aegon held it back. If the two noticed something around them, they would notice a smile from Helaena towards the white-haired.

"I have a job with Aemond, once it's finished I'll be more than happy to paint you, my prince. Your command is an honor." Aerglo replied with a fake smile, but not too much, the comfort that Aemond had brought him was more than anything for him at that time.  

Aerglo (Aemond Targaryen x Male OC)Where stories live. Discover now