Chapter Four

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When I got inside everyone was already seated. I looked for Alex so I could sit with him. I spotted him sitting with a blonde girl. Ugh. I walked over to where he was sitting. "Can I sit here?"

"I guess." He scooted over. The blonde stopped talking to him as soon as I sat down.

"Look, I'm really," I paused, "sorry."I said.

"It's fine." He said with a blank expression.

"I mean even if you did enter, there's a very slim chance of you getting picked. I mean what is there a couple hundred sixth and seventh years at Hogwarts?"I said.

"Ya I guess." He said spacing out.

"So who was that girl you were talking to?" I asked. Before he could answer Headmistress McGonagall began to speak.

"Good evening" She said.

"Good evening." the students replied.

"Welcome to another year at Hogwarts," She said," and to first years welcome." We all applauded. "Now," Headmistress McGonagall began," let the sorting begin." As they began calling the first's years names I began spacing out, I was so hungry I could barely focus.

I wonder when they'll bring out the food? I thought I'm starving... I was snapped back into reality when I heard the Potter boys yelling and clapping, their sister must have gotten into Gryffindor.

Headmistress McGonagall began to speak. " Let the feast begin." She announced.

"Thank God I'm starved." I said to Alex.
He didn't respond, he was staring into deep space. " Oh ya Alex, I was planning on sneaking into the forbidden forest tonight..." He was still completely oblivious to what I was saying." Oh and I forgot to tell you I got a muggle girlfriend over the summer." he looked at me with a shocked expression on his face.

"Since when do you date girls?" He asked surprised.

" I don't," I laughed," I was just trying to get your attention."

"Well, now you have it." He let out a slight chuckle.

"Obviously," I rolled my eyes," are you okay?" I asked concerned.

"Ya I'm fine..." He said.

"Okay it's just that you've been a bit spacey since our fight on the train."

"I'm fine, just tired." He replied.

"Okay then," I said, "let's chow down!" I said changing the subject. There was so much food to choose from I just grabbed whatever looked tastiest.
After, we ate for a bit until Headmistress McGonagall spoke.

"As you all may have heard," She began, "Hogwarts shall be hosting the Triwizard Tournament again, after twenty-five years." The students began to cheer. " Headmaster Edward Clavel of Beauxbaton shall arrive in a week. Headmaster Richard Romanoff from Durmstrang shall arrive then as well. Only those who have completed they're OWLs may enter." A lot of the students groaned very loudly.
"Now I would like to introduce our two new Professors. First, Professor Strapish, your new Charms teacher." A tall, skinny woman around thirty years old walked into the room, she had fiery red hair and a lot of freckles. She sat down next to an empty seat. Out of courtesy we all applauded.

"Please, call me Leona," She insisted.
" I prefer Professor Leona." McGonagall rolled her eyes.
"And we have our new Potions Master," I jerked my head up when I heard Potions Master, potions is my favorite class and I have to make sure this teacher is a good one. "Professor Herondale." Everyone turned to look at the new Professor. He was very muscular, he had black hair and blue eyes, he looked very familiar, but I couldn't quite tell who it was. Everyone began to applaud the teacher and then I remembered that's the guy that was in the carriage with Artemis. He looks way to young to be a teacher.

"That is all now if you all would follow your house Head Boys and Girls to your dorms." McGonagall said.


I'm sorry this took forever to post I've been really busy this summer and I usually get my mom to edit my chapters before I post and she's been extremely busy. but I'm probably gonna post the next chapter sometime soon
Remember to like and comment!

Stay awesome,
Author chan :D

The Gemini Chronicles: A Harry Potter Next Gen Fanfic ( Athena Olympus )Where stories live. Discover now