Chapter Sixteen

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I woke up rather late thank goodness it was saturday we get classes off and breakfast is extended longer. I headed to the great hall to get some food, as usual people were chatty as always. They were pointing and giggling at me, guess the article hasn't blown over yet.

When I got into the great hall everyone was chatting animatedly. That's right the Durmstrangs arrive today and they start the drawing for the three champions. They have changed the rules a bit since Harry Potter was in school. Now it is three to each school I have no clue why they would wan't to risk more lifes. Yes I know not to many people have died in the tournament but I mean dragons, and mermaids, and they choose such dangerous tasks. As I sat down I noticed a crowd around the seventh year table. I walked over to see what the commotion was about, and of course as I suspected it was Ares. I pushed through the crowd up to him. He was sitting by a brunette girl I had never seen I assumed she was Beauxbaton.

"Ares." I was standing in front of my brother now.

"Oh hey, little sis." He said, his arm was around the girl.

"What is all this?" I asked rolling my eyes.

"Just some people who wanted to talk to me, did you see the Daily Prophet?" He asked nonchalantly.

I sighed placing my head in my hands. "What did you do." I said slowly.

"I answered a few of Rita's questions." He responded.

"YOU DID WHAT?!?!" I asked loud enough for the Durmstrang to hear. This also gained stares from most of the people in the great hall.

"Jeez, calm down. I answered Rita's questions, I know you and Artemis and Ditty think she's some sort of parasite, but she was very nice."

"Oh my god, she only acts that way you idiot." He was giving me a stress headache.


"Come here for a minute." I told him.

"Um, okay. Excuse me guys." His crowd booed. I gave them all a nasty look.

"V'here are you going Ares?" His Beauxbaton friend asked.

"Don't worry, Elizabeth I'll be back in a minute." Elizabeth so thats her name.

I know it's oh so very short but more to come.
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Author-San <3

The Gemini Chronicles: A Harry Potter Next Gen Fanfic ( Athena Olympus )Where stories live. Discover now