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Hey guys💕

Warning: This is a very sad story, and I am serious. I am sure you will be crying after this, so please don't bash me and keep the tissues ready.

So without wasting time let's start😄


Dark blanket of night was disappearing slowly as; a faint light of sun was peeking out of cloud far away in east, which was announcing the arrival of fresh morning. But dawn was unusually quite, no sound of birds chirping, no sound of insects crawling, no sound of humming of trees with air. But the sounds of ruggef breaths were piercing through the air of poolside area in VR Mansion.

''Please Riddhima, you have to let me go" Vansh whimpered.

"Don't you dare leave me Vansh, or I will shout and wakeup everyone" Riddhima sobbed loudly.

"You are my strong women Riddhima, even dadi is also not strong like you, I know you can do it, you can let me go." Vansh breath hitched again.

"No! Oh please no, you can't go anywhere, you can't leave like this." Riddhima hissed maniacally.

"No Riddhima its time, its almost dawn now, now please let me go, I can't take this anymore, leave me Riddhima." Vansh pleaded desperately  knowing jow stubborn his wife is.

"No you can't leave me when I needed you the most, when I needed you here with me, so much, you vowed to fulfill my every wish, please stay Vansh and.." Vansh butted in.

"No Riddhima you have to understand the point of view of mine too, I do not want anything more than to be with you, but in this condition of mine *he flinched* its impossible.'' Vansh breathed through his mouth as it was getting harder to breath through nose.

''Vansh please, don't go. How will I live without you. Please for sometime stay with me. PLEASEEEEEEEEE.'' Riddhima said.

''Riddhima, sweetheart, jaan, my baby please try to understand. Stop crying it will harm our baby.'' Vansh cooed no sweet nothings to her while she was continuously crying.

''I will not cry but you stay with me. Me and my baby needs you this time. Please don't leave us'' Riddhima said while hiccupping.

''Please try to understand Riddhima. Its an emergency.'' Vansh shouted.


So guys what do you think what is Vansh suffering from?

What happened to Vansh?

Do comment and tell me

Till then BYE,

Take care😊

RIANSH OS BOOK 😄😊😍😙Where stories live. Discover now