Chapter 19: Jay

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I watched the truck drive away, running my hands through my hair. I blew out a breath and turned back towards the house. Lucy was standing on the porch with her arms crossed and a scowl on her face.

"What the hell was that about?" She demanded. I kept walking, not acknowledging her.

"You offered to let her sleep in your bed. What was that about?"

I walked into the throes of the party. I wasn't in the mood to deal with this. I had wanted Emily to stay. I wanted to hold her in my arms as she fell asleep. I was half tempted to walk to her apartment to make sure she was safe. But her apartment was Lucy's apartment. So I settled for a bottle of Jack and a Solo cup.

"Are you fucking her?" Lucy demanded. Her voice pierced over the music. Joe was leaning against the counter. I raised the whiskey bottle as an offering and he nodded. I poured him a glass and handed it over.

Lucy grabbed my arm, forcing me to face her. Her face was red and her fists were bunched.

"Are you fucking her?" She asked again.

I sighed. "Lucy, it's none of your business if I'm fucking her or someone else."

"How could you say that?" Tears sprang to her eyes. "You are my boyfriend so it is my business."

I took a drink from my cup and took a deep breath. The more time I spent with Emily, the harder these arguments with Lucy got.

"I'm not your boyfriend. I need you to get that through your head. Lucy."

"Yes, you are. I love you Jay." She wiped the tears from her eyes and smiled widely at me. "Come to bed with me."

"No, Lucy." I shook my head. I didn't want Lucy even near me. I only wanted Emily.

"I swear, Jay, if I find out you are sleeping with her..." I whirled around and grabbed her shoulders.

"Don't. Just don't finish that sentence." I said through gritted teeth.

"Jay, you're hurting me." She pouted. Casey walked into the kitchen and I released Lucy. Casey looked over at me and I guess she saw the desperation in my eyes.

"Hey, Luce, why don't we go outside and chat?" Casey asked her.

"I don't want..." Lucy started to protest, but Casey effortlessly guided her out. I let out a sigh of relief and threw back the rest of my whiskey.

"So are you?" Joe asked. I had forgotten he was there. I raised my head and looked over at him. He refilled my glass.

"Am I what?"

"Are you fucking the cute brunette?"

I scrubbed my hands over my face instead of answering.

"I mean, she has a tight little ass and some perky tits. I wouldn't mind hitting that."

Before I knew what I was doing, I had my arm at Joe's throat.

"Stay the fuck away from her. Do I make myself clear?"

Joe laughed and clapped me on the shoulder. "Perfectly, my friend." He pushed me off him and sauntered out of the kitchen, laughing and shaking his head.

I punched the counter out of frustration, then grabbed the bottle of Jack and made my way to the much quieter back porch.

I slumped into a chair and took a swig straight from the bottle. I opened my phone and pulled up the picture I had taken of Emily earlier this week. She was laying next to me on the grass at World's Park. She was smiling at me, her green eyes glimmering in the afternoon sun. I shouldn't have taken her picture, and she told me as much, but I couldn't help it. I wanted to capture her beauty. Even though the picture didn't do her any justice. I pulled up our text thread and started to text her, but thought better of it and texted Mia instead.

Jay: Home ok?

Mia: Yes.

Mia: She's passed out.

Jay: Ok

I turned up the bottle of whiskey again, thinking that would be the end of the conversation but my phone pinged again.

Mia: She deserves better than this.

Mia: She deserves better than you.

Jay: Ouch.

Mia: You know as well as I do how messed up this is.

Jay: Yeah, I know.

Mia: So do her a favor and leave her the fuck alone.

I ran my hands through my hair. I knew Mia was right. Emily was this beautiful, amazing girl and she deserved someone who could cherish her and love her. I wanted all those things with her, but knew I couldn't give that to her right now.

Tonight proved that Lucy was still convinced we were together. I knew she hadn't been taking her meds, and I was afraid of her hurting herself or Emily if she knew how I felt.

I pulled up Troy's name and typed out a message to him.

Jay: Dude, I seriously need you to come and take responsibility for your sister. I can't do this with her anymore.

I didn't expect him to answer right away. It was late, but his response came pretty quickly.

Troy: I can't come down there. I have a job and a life. I can't just drop everything to take care of her.

Jay: Fuck you.

Jay: What the fuck do you think I have been doing for the past two years?

Jay: She's not even my problem.

Troy: You should have thought about that before you took your dick out of your pants.

Jay: You're a real asshole, you know that?

Troy: Look, I'll call her tomorrow.

Troy: I just can't get away from work right now.

Troy: Just keep her in one piece for a while longer.

Jay: How much longer?

Troy: October?

Jay: Fuck.

Jay: Fine. But you need to call her. I can't keep being her person.

Troy: Yeah yeah... got some other college chick you need to stick your

dick in now?

Jay: Go fuck yourself, Troy.

I threw my phone onto the table and leaned back, taking another swig of whiskey. I stared up at the night sky, thinking about Emily. Time slipped away as I sat there and so did the whiskey.

I managed to stumble back inside, where all was quiet now. I threw away the empty bottle and stumbled into the bathroom. The bathroom where I had tasted Emily earlier. I stepped into the shower, letting the warm water cascade over me. I groaned as I palmed myself, thinking about Emily's sweet pussy and the whimpers she makes as I fuck her. I thought about her full kissable lips, and big green eyes, letting the memories of her take me right to completion.

I cleaned myself and stepped out of the shower, wrapping a towel around my waist. I headed down the hall to my room.

I flipped on the light and cursed under my breath. Lucy was curled up, fast asleep in my bed. I quickly pulled a pair of basketball shorts and a t-shirt from my dresser and exited the room, flipping out the light behind me.

Lucy might have thought she had pulled something over on me by climbing into my bed. But I wasn't falling for it. She wasn't the girl I had wanted in my bed tonight. I plopped down on the couch and tried to make myself comfortable. The whiskey helped ease me into sleep as Emily's smile crept into my dreams. 

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