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(No one's p.o.v.)

  Their are several worlds that exist, each one is home to one or a few different races. The story begins in the world that borders the World of the Living and the afterlife known as the Soul Society.

Hueco Mundo, a world of eternal night and sand, home to spirit beings known as Hollows. Hollows are large creatures with white masks and a hole in certain parts of their bodies, and they live solely on instinct. They are separated into 4 classes depending on their size and power:

  1) The standard Hollows who are considered the civilians of their kind. They can grow stronger by consuming Reishi or Spirit Particles. The more they eat, the stronger they become until they evolve to the higher class.

  2) The Gillians, massive Hollows who lose their sense of self after reaching this level and have beast-level intelligence. They are considered foot soldiers among Hollows. However, over time they regain their ego and begin consuming over Gillians to grow stronger until they evolve further.

  3) The Adjuchas, they are somewhat smaller than the Gillians, but highly intelligent and much better fighters. And they are able to command large numbers of Gillians, making them the commander class among the Hollows. When they first become Adjuchas they must continue to devour Hollows or risk regressing into a Gillian permanently. Once they reach a certain level of power, they evolve into the highest class.

  4) The Vasto Lorde, they are equal to humans in size and are extremely rare in Hueco Mundo. As for their strength, they are believed to rival or even surpass the highest ranked Devils, making them the Apex of the entire Hollow race.

  However, there is another form that generally only Hollows of Gillian class and higher can reach, known as Arrancar.

  The Arrancars are Hollows who have removed their masks and gained not only immense strength but also a human form. These Arrancars mainly comprise the army of Hueco Mundo's Royal Family, the Aizens. The current ruler of Hueco Mundo is Sosuke Aizen, a former Soul Reaper who had been exiled from the Soul Society, and his wife Licita Aizen, a dead human soul turned Arrancar. Sosuke loved Licita so much that he was determined to bring peace to Hueco Mundo. When the Queen gave birth to the Prince, Asta, it was the happiest day of their lives. They loved him so much, made Sosuke's ambition even greater, as he wanted to make Hueco Mundo a much better place than it was before, by changing the lifestyle of it's denizens from survival of the fittest to a prosperous kingdom like the ones in the World of the Living.

  Occasionally, the Aizens would visit the the World of the Living, with an escort of course. Since there is hardly anything to do in Hueco Mundo, the King and Queen would occasionally go to the World of the Living and observe it's denizens as they go about their daily life. Since she was from the living world, Queen Licita began bringing Asta with her to The Living World to watch the humans when he was old enough to walk, and gained his own fascination with them. There were times when he would see the darkness the humans carry, but Queen Licita told him that Hollows aren't very different from them. After all, Hollows would often fight to see which one was stronger, and humans do for similar reasons. The mother taught her son that there will always be good and evil no matter what world they may find themselves in, one side could not exist without the other. She also taught Asta that humans are a young race that still has much to learn, and to have faith that they will do the right thing. The young prince took his mother's words to heart and become lenient towards others.

  Once the boy become 4 years of age, he began training under the ten elite Arrancars who serve directly under his father Sosuke, the Espadas. Asta was a prodigy in nearly every subject he was taught which amazed all of the Espadas. But what amazed them the most was his demeanor. Asta was understanding, caring, stalwart, and above all honorable, he would never attack anyone who couldn't defend themselves, nor would he harm anyone you had already been defeated. He would never turn his back on those in need, and for this reason, he was respected and admired by everyone in Hueco Mundo, especially the female Arrancars, who practically fall all over him.

Asta Aizen: Prince of Hueco MundoWhere stories live. Discover now