Chapter 3: Truce and Seeking Assistance

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(Asta's p.o.v.)

  I had explained everything to the Soul Reapers, how my parents met, what they were turning Hueco Mundo into, even the recent tragedy of the fall of my homeland and loss of my parents. Many of the Soul Reapers were shocked to hear all of this and Yamamoto responded, "I see, I'm sorry for your loss." I looked down sad before the Head Captain continued, "So, what do you plan to do now?" I looked back up at him and said, "I want to retake our world from the Devils. I couldn't live with myself knowing that my people are being tortured by those sadistic monsters while I live a happy life. I had already made the decision before you arrived, to search the World of the Living for comrades to help us reclaim Hueco Mundo." He looked at me for a moment and asked, "I can't say that I like the idea of involving living humans in spirit-related matters, but given the circumstances, it's probably your only option. And even if you do manage to gather allies among the humans, it may not be enough. That said, I would like to ask, would you allow the 13 Court Guard Squads to assist you?"

Every one of us, Arrancars and Soul Reapers were shocked to hear Yamamoto propose such a thing. "Head Captain, are you serious about this?!" Said a short woman with black hair and grey eyes.


  "I am Captain Soi Fon

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  "I am Captain Soi Fon. Remember, Devils are supposed to be unable to leave the Underworld, and yet somehow they were able to enter Hueco Mundo. The thought of them being able to leave on their own is unthinkable, someone has likely orchestrated this invasion. And also, there is the danger of the Devils eventually finding their way to the World of the Living or even the Soul Society. The Hollows are not a threat to the humans right now, the Devils are. To make things more dire, the Supreme Rank Devils are on the same level if not stronger than the Soul Reapers Captains. So, we must join forces with the Prince of Hueco Mundo if this crisis is to be resolved." He was right, these recent events are disturbing to say the least and there's no telling if the Devils would invade the World of the Living or the Soul Society next. Currently, the denizens of the Underworld are threatening the balance between life and death, and if left alone, the damage will be irreparable and the worlds will flow into each other, thus resulting in the total annihilation of all of them. Head Captain Yamamoto saw this and that was the reason why he chose to help us on our journey to liberate our homeland of it's invaders. The other captains and lieutenants knew that their leader was right and couldn't argue with him, so they turned to me and my people nodded, saying that they will help us. Myself, the Espada and their subordinates, as well as Loly and Menoly all bowed out heads in gratitude for the Soul Reapers. "Thank you all for choosing to help us." I said and Yamamoto replied, "It's a bit too early for you to be thanking us young prince, we still need to prepare for the liberation of Hueco Mundo." I nodded and we began to discuss how and what we will do to work towards achieving this great endeavor. "Originally, me and my parents were coming to the World of the Living to seek help from Kisuke Urahara." I said to the Soul Reaper. He asked, "Oh, help with what, if I may ask?" "We were hoping that he may be able to release my adopted brother, Liebe, from the Five Leaf grimoire he was sealed in for his protection against the Devil King Lucifero, who tried to possess him on the day my mother's human life ended. She could no longer set him free, but someone in the Living World could, and since Kisuke Urahara is known to research anything that catches his attention, we believed that he would be the first one to ask about this matter." The Head Captain seemed to understand the reasons me and my family were coming to the World of the Living and replied, "I see, your mother wanted to see her adopted son again so you were planning on asking Kisuke Urahara for assistance. I believe any parent would want this. And since this Liebe is a Devil himself, he may provide some information on our common enemy as he was a resident of the Underworld himself. So I believe he would be a useful ally to have. Alright then, you go to Urahara and ask him free Liebe, and your subjects may begin their search for allies like you originally planned. Meanwhile, we will begin gathering forces for the battle. Also, I believe we could send some people to assist you here." I was curious about what he meant by the last part and asked, "Who do you have in mind, Head Captain?" He replied, "There are a group of humans residing in the Land of the Sun who possess sufficient Spirit Energy to be of assistance. Plus, we will send a few of Soul Reapers who know them best. If we're going to defeat the Devils that conquered Hueco Mundo, then we must learn to work together. Having our people train and fight side by side will definitely help form a sense of camaraderie, would it not?" He made a good point, and I was interested in meeting these humans Yamamoto spoke of. "Correct, we need to stand unite against this enemy if we are to survive. Also, I'm looking forward to meeting them in person. They must be an interesting group if you would recommend them." I replied and the old Soul Reaper his right hand to me before saying, "I look forward to fighting alongside you, Prince Asta." I shook his hand and responded in mind, "Likewise, Head Captain Yamamoto." He turned to face his fellow Soul Reapers and ordered, "We are returning to the Soul Society and begin preparing for the war that is to come! All captain and lieutenants, you are to inform your squads of these matters once you return to your squad's barracks, and order them to begin their preparations accordingly!" They all sounded off before the Sekaimon opened, "Yes Head Captain!" The Soul Reapers soon went through the gateway back to the Soul Society and my followers and myself saw them off. I heard Tier say to me, "This is quite a surprise, Prince Asta. I never thought that the Soul Reapers would actually volunteer to help us retake our homeland." I replied, "Yes, it was quite a surprise. After a thousand years of fighting each other, now the Soul Reapers and Hollow finally decided to work together. It would've been unbelievable under normal circumstances. Though, I'm honestly glad they chose to help us." "So am I, young prince." She concurred. I turned to face the Arrancars and said with a smile, "Alright everyone, let's get some rest. Tomorrow we will begin with the plan we discussed earlier." They all bowed before going to sleep, and I walked back into the house and went to sleep in the master bedroom, looking forward to my meeting with Urahara, and hoping that he would have a way to set Liebe free from the Five Leaf grimoire.

Asta Aizen: Prince of Hueco MundoWhere stories live. Discover now