Chapter 5: Dungeon and the Three Parties

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(No one's p.o.v.)

While Asta and his attendants were looking for Kisuke Urahara, the ten Espadas and their Fracciones were spread throughout the Clover Kingdom, looking for a base, allies, anything that would aid them in the fight to reclaim their home of Hueco Mundo. In the northern region of Clover, along it's border with Diamond Kingdom, the team led by Espadas 2 and 3, Barragan Louisenbairn and Tier Halibel, had made a rather big discovery. They had found a dungeon just as it appeared, and they were currently discussing their next course of action concerning the event that just occurred before them.

(Tier's p.o.v.)

We had just bore witness to the emergence of a dungeon right in front of us. A dungeon is an ancient structure that can emerge at any location at any time in the World of the Living. They are known to be filled with all sorts of deadly traps that protect it's valuable content that can be found at the heart of the dungeon. I've seen them quite a few times during my trips with Queen Licita to the World of the Living. Seeing this one appear before us was not something surprising to me, though this does present a great opportunity for us.

"It's not everyday you see a dungeon appear right before your eyes, and it's actually quite a happy occurrence when you think about it." Barragan stated. I asked him, "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" "I believe so. We are going to need to procure funds while we are based here in the human world, and a practical goldmine has just appeared in front of us. It must be our lucky day, Halibel." He replied with a smile on his face. I honestly agreed with him, aside from needing comrades, we would also need financial support to operate in the World of the Living. The money we use in Hueco Mundo is useless here, so we need to find some way to procure funds. What better way then to conquer a dungeon and secure the treasure that it houses? "Indeed, we will need to money in order to operate here in this world. After all, you can't wage any kind of war without soldiers, but those same soldiers can't fight without money. Very well, let's get secure the treasury." I stated while Barragan and I signaled our Fracciones to follow up into the dungeon. The Arrancars entered the dungeon and began their search for the treasure room and the loot it stores, and saw that the entire interior of the structure was littered with passageways that open up on the walls and gravity-defying waterways that run across the floor, walls, and ceiling. It was mind boggling for those among them who have never entered a dungeon before since most of them rarely come to the World of the Living, the Espada are usually the ones who come with the Aizen family when they visit, and the only Arrancars that enter dungeons are the Exequias. Apacci commented, "This is incredible, it's a completely different world here." "Indeed. From what I've heard, dungeons are filled with enough mana that alters the laws of physics. While these places are incredible, they can also me dangerous if you don't watch your every step. So be careful while you're in here, and keep in mind, there may be humans coming in here before long. There's no way they would ignore the emergence of a new dungeon." I stated. "True, humans are known to be greedy. And they'll most likely try to attack us to get all of the treasure for themselves." Barragan made a good point, humans, when blinded by greed, have been known to attack others to obtain anything they desire. The treasure in a dungeon would be no exception. If they did choose to attack us, then we would be force to fight back. However, Prince Asta wouldn't condone killing them since we are looking for allies to aid us, not make more enemies. I said to Espada number 2, "If we do encounter any humans, and they do choose to attack us, then disarm them only. Prince Asta commanded us to look for comrades, not make more enemies." "Agreed, the Devils are the real enemy we need to face. Making anymore would be detrimental to the prince's goal." Seeing that we were in agreement, I decided to make a suggestion to my fellow Espada, "Now, let's split up and begin searching for the treasure room. I'll take the Tres Bestia and head down the corridor on the right, while you bring your Fracciones with you and go down the left corridor. If either of our groups find the objective, we'll send an Arrancar to inform and lead the others to them." He replied, "Agreed. Alright, let's get started." After he said that, Barragan and his Fracciones left via Sonido and myself along with the Tres Bestia left as well.

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