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Suppose you are a fan of Greek myths or a history buff of some sort. I am letting you know there will be changes to how I think should fit in the trilogy because I have different ideas for the characters and the storyline. Still, I'll keep the book as a realistic interpretation of certain characters like Zeus showing their negative attributes more frequently when he isn't shined as the "good" god that directors portrayed in movies. Greek mythology is a lot to go deep into and has so many interpretations. So that is why I'm doing my own. Check out ORIGINAL CHARACTERS OF MINE where I discuss this book and everything that'll happen. I'll pick out storylines here and there whether or not people say it's true or false. I'm doing a mix of both where one is factual and one is from my imagination.

I am pointing this out because I don't want commenters to make fights in the comments about not getting certain myths right. As the author, I'm doing enough research as best as possible. Hope you all have a good reading of this novel coming to life before your eyes.

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