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- ̥۪͙۪˚┊❛ CHAPTER TWO ❜┊˚ ̥۪͙۪◌ICARUS ❛ look who is digging their own grave ❜

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- ̥۪͙۪˚ CHAPTER TWO ˚ ̥۪͙۪◌
❛ look who is digging their own grave ❜

❝ To Eudora, every now and then i have to think about why I've fallen for yourdisgustingly impulsive and headstrong nature

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To Eudora,
every now and then i have to think about why I've fallen for your
disgustingly impulsive and headstrong nature. my mother says
hello by the way.

THAT night, Eudora stayed restless in her chambers

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THAT night, Eudora stayed restless in her chambers. The soft sound of the waves crashing onto the shore and the fire crackling didn't bring the girl as much peace as it should. Laying there, she watched the stars through the open window with a heavy sigh.

The young girl's mind wandered into thinking about her home back in Winterfell. Brennan Stark had four children- three of them were sons, and Eudora was his only daughter. Her father was obsessed with the line of succession, and the girl often noted how he would jokingly say he'd take the title from her uncle, Rickon, or her cousin, Cregan if he had the chance. With things beginning to look messy between Rickon, Cregan, and Bennard, Eudora suspected that her family would send her to King's Landing to avoid being involved with family political affairs.

Eudora enjoyed her time away from the North, but she had to admit that being away from home for such a long time started to take a toll on her. She didn't necessarily miss the people- her mother was someone she missed, maybe her cousin. But she missed the feeling of being surrounded by familiar people. For someone so young, she instantly felt so lonely around the Targaryens and their court. Isolation is way more draining than one could believe. It's not everyday one would wake up in a whole different house, with different people, with different climates, and customs. But that was Eudora's day to day life now. Away from everything she knew, thrown into a different family's dilemma.

Her thoughts were immediately interrupted by the faint sound of a dragon soaring around outside. There couldn't be any untamed dragons... right? Eudora questioned herself, slowly rising out of bed. Her eyes squinted, walking slowly towards the window. No one would be riding a dragon out that night, it doesn't seem reasonable for anyone to. Besides, who knows what dangers there would be when riding a dragon at night? Her mother has warned her about being like this. About being too curious, jumping into the sea before even testing it. But if curiosity killed the cat, at least it has nine lives. Immediately, Eudora took her cloak and slipped it onto her shoulders. As fast as her feet could carry her, she ran out of her room and into the dark castle.


"Jace," Baela whispered, pushing the sleeping boy. "Jace." She called to him once more, he wouldn't open his eyes. "Jace, wake up. Wake up!"

Slowly but surely, Jacaerys woke up, still clouded with sleep. "Someone stole Vhagar," continued Baela, and this alerted the young boy. His eyes were now wide open, and he noticed his cousins and his brother standing in front of his bed.

"What?" Vhagar's roars could be heard, worrying Jacaerys. Of course with Lady Laena gone, anyone would try to claim the dragon, but Jacaerys never expected it to happen like this. Especially when she was Rhaena's to claim, he never thought that someone would steal the dragon away.

"Come on, let's figure this out," he mumbled, getting out of his bed. Jacaerys had to be the leader of the group, he felt as if he had to be. He wanted to resolve whatever is going on, in hopes to assure his cousins that nothing bad has happened to Vhagar. The boy sighed, walking out of his room, the three other young ones following soon after. The castle was dark, lanterns being carried by the four lit their path. "Stay close everyone-"

"What are we doing Jace?" whispered Lucerys as he huddled closer to his brother and cousins, Rhaena immediately sushing the boy. Their footsteps echoed throughout the halls, and mere moments later it was obvious that they weren't alone. Whilst their steps weren't heard, an extra pair of feet were hitting the floor.

"Who else is there?!" Baela called out, all four shivering for the first time that night- and it wasn't because of the cold. The footsteps stopped its scurrying. "Show yourself!"

From the darkness stepping into the light, the Velaryons sighed out of relief when it was just Eudora. "What are you doing out here?" Jacaerys asked, his eyebrows knotting together.

"Investigating of course," she answered, shrugging her shoulders. The four Velaryons shared a look, staring back at Eudora for an explanation. "Someone's riding a dragon outside, I wanted to see it."

"Someone stole a dragon," Rhaena told the Stark, causing the latter's eyes to widen. "And we're going to take her back."

"I'll come with you-"

"No," interrupted Jacaerys, all of them went quiet as he spoke. He looked around before clearing his throat. "Eudora, it might not be best for you to come."

"Why not? I heard the dragon, I want to see who supposedly stole it."

"What if it isn't safe?"

"My safety is not my number one concern. If Rhaena says you guys are taking her back, then I want to help take back the dragon."

"But Eudora, what will-"

"Let her come, Jace. We need more support, all the help we could get. It's better to have more people than to lose Vhagar," Baela interrupted her cousin, taking Eudora by the hand and continued to walk on forward. "This way, everyone." Jacaerys watched as the two walked ahead, quickly followed by Rhaena. Lucerys spared Jacaerys a look, and shrugged, then nonchalantly followed his cousins, and what appears to be his newfound friend.

"Guys," Jacaerys whispered out, but the four turned a blind eye. "Guys!" Outvoted, the boy reluctantly decided that it would just be best to follow the group down the steps of the palace. If he couldn't get them to listen, he'll probably just follow along right? And if danger did strike, Jacaerys would be there, ready to strike back and strike hard.


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