Changes In the Heart (Chapter 3)

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I was standing on the sidewalk with Mira, wearing the clothes Sting told me to wear. "Oi, Blondie!" His voice called out to me from behind. At hearing the sound of his voice, my heart beat sped up and my stomach got all fluttery inside. I smiled and waved. "Hey, Sting." He looked at Mira.

"Why is she here? Does she know?"

"KYAA!!! So you do have a relationship!"

"M-Mira! We do NOT have a relationship!" I turned to Sting. "Sorry, Sting. She knows we're seeing each other."

"That's fine. Rogue knows too, so I guess we're even."

Mira holds my hands. "Lucy, have you ever had a boyfriend?"

"Of course. Natsu. Until he cheated on me with Lisanna on the exact day of our anniversary..."


At hearing Lucy say this, my blood boiled. That stupid Salamander had hurt Lucy.

"I know what will make you feel better, Lucy!"

"What? What is it, Mira?"

"A new boyfriend!"

Lucy blushed again. "M-Mira! Who are you even going to set me up with?"

"Sting, of course!"

She pushed me closer to Lucy. I smiled. "Sure. I won't mind pretending to be your boyfriend. We look great as a couple." I wrapped my arms around her shoulder.


"Sting! You're actually agreeing to this?!"

"Why? It's just pretend, after all."

Mira interjected, "No way. Who says you have to pretend? If you're going to be a couple, it has to be real. Sting, ask Lucy to be your girlfriend right this moment!"

He turned pale, but shockingly obeyed. He held my hands. "Lucy, will you be my girlfriend?" Although Sting more muttered than said the words, it was enough to make Mira squeal in delight.

"Um...Y-Yes." Mira clapped her hands in satisfaction. "Okay, you're officially a couple! You two enjoy your date!" Then she happily skipped back to the guild. I facepalmed. "I can't believe this is happening." Sting shrugged. "It's not so bad. I mean, we don't love each other, but we don't hate each other too."

"I guess you're right."

"Whatever. Let's just enjoy our day today." He grabbed my hand and started to pull me towards the arcade.

"W-Why are we going to the arcade?!"

"To play some video games, duh!"

Once we entered, he forced me to play Tekken 5: Ressurection. I immediately turned into a pro. My favorite character was Lili. I just kept pressing X, O, X, O, X, O all over again, and I was able to beat Sting, even when he used his favorite character Jin. "Haha! I beat you again!". Sting groaned. "Shut up. I didn't know you were this good when it came to Tekken.". Just then I spotted some sort of photo booth. "Come on!" I dragged Sting to the booth before anyone else came. It only took one photo, but you could design it yourself and print as many copies as you like.

We both smiled as the machine flashed. Sting had his arm around my shoulder. Although Mira had set us up as a couple, I still didn't feel love towards Sting. At least, I don't think so. We proceeded to decorate our photo. I put in a cute smiley face at the upper left corner, and a heart beside me. "Okay, Blondie. My turn." Sting suddenly typed in the photo, "WE'RE DATING. DEAL WITH IT." Then quickly pushed the print button twice before I could erase it. "KYAAA!!! Sting!"

He smiled at me innocently. "What?"

"If someone from Fairy Tail sees this photo, we're done for!"

"I don't care if someone sees the picture. It'll show them you're mine."

I blushed. For the second time today, my heart skipped a beat and I felt all fluttery inside. What's happening to me?! 

After that, we went back to my apartment. "Hey, Blondie, I like that picture. I'm going to have it framed."

"No! What if someone from Sabertooth sees it? They'll kill me!"

Sting said in a rather intense tone, "I won't let that happen, Blondie. You know that." He was doing it again! That heart rate and fluttery stomach thing he does to me!

"Sh-shut up. And don't call me Blondie!"

"It's my nickname for you. Deal with it."

"I'm not a pet you can give a nickname to willy-nilly."

"Whatever. Hey, is it okay if I stay here again?"

"Sure, whatever."

"Can I ask you something?"


"How did it feel when you found out that Natsu cheated on you?"

I paused. At hearing his question, tears started to fall. I tearfully laughed. "I...It felt horrible. Like the whole world was coming to an end. All I could hear was my heart shattering. I was so heartbroken that time."

"Lucy...don't hold back. I'm right here. You can cry." Sting turned me around and wrapped his arms around me. Finally, I gave up trying to hold back and just buried my face in Sting's chest, crying. He just hugged me, whispered comforting words in my ear, and let me be. I said, "Thank you so much, Sting..."

"For what?"

"For being there for me when no one else is. You're not so bad."

Changes In the Heart: Lucy H. and Sting E. (Chapter 1)Where stories live. Discover now