Changes In the Heart (Chapter 4)

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I sighed. "Mira, what's it like to be in love?"

"Eh?! Why are you asking me?"

"Well, you and Freed-san are basically already a couple."

She blushed. "W-Well...being in love is like when you hear his voice, your heart rate speeds up and your stomach gets fluttery. You would always think of him at day and dream about him at night. There are also other signs of love, but it would take the whole day to enumerate them."

My eyes widened. I love him? I love Sting Eucliffe? can't be...Can it?! 

"So, Lucy, how'd your date go with Sting?"

"It was fun. We spent the day in the arcade, playing video games and taking pictures."

"Oh? Can I see the pictures you took?"

Shaking, I took the picture Sting and I edited out of my pocket and gave it to Mira. Her eyes widened with excitement. "Kya!! I like the caption!"

"That was Sting! I didn't approve of that!"

"But it looks cute!"

I crossed my arms. "Yeah, yeah, we look cute together. Mira...I..."


"I think I love Sting."



I was thinking about Lucy at our apartment, when Rogue spoke up. "Hey, Sting."


"Do you like Lucy?"

"Yeah. She's a kind person."

"I mean do you love her?"

I paused. Did I love Lucy? "S-So what if I might..."

"You do. You do love her. You spend almost everyday with her, you sleep with her, and that photo--"

"Alright, alright, I get it! I LOVE HER! I LOVE LUCY!"


"Oi, Lucy!" I gasped. Natsu was walking towards us. If he saw that photo, Sting and I would be as good as dead. "N-Natsu!". I quickly took the picture and tried to hide it behind me.

"What is going on with you? You're gone all day, and you spend the little time you're here chatting with Mira about a topic that I believe has something to do with a guy you're dating!"

Steam rose from my ears. "How dare you, Natsu! Even if I am dating another guy, what do you have to do with it?!"

"It has everything to do with me, Lucy!"


Natsu could only remain silent. He caught sight of the photo and took it from me. "What the hell?! That Sabertooth bastard Sting Eucliffe?! He's your boyfriend?!"

"He's not my boyfriend! Give that back!" I snatched the photo and kept it away so it wouldn't be destroyed.

"Then why did it say that on your photo?!"

"Why do you care if I'm dating Sting Eucliffe?! Who was the one who broke my heart by cheating on my on the day of our anniversary?! Huh?! Tell me, Natsu! And here you are, getting mad at me for dating another guy! He didn't do anything bad!"

"Didn't do anything bad?! He laughed at you when Minerva tortured you in the Grand Magic Games!"

"That was just fake, forced laughter! He needed to be on Minerva's side, because she had Lector captive!"

"What is wrong with you, Lucy?! You talk about Sting like you love him or something! You're so..."

"What?! I'm so what, Natsu?!"


Tears fell from my cheeks just like a running waterfall. I slapped him right across the face, then ran away to the park. I sat down beneath the tree, buried my face in my arms, and continued crying. I couldn't believe Natsu would say something to me like that.


I smelled...Strawberries. And vanilla. Lucy was near. But I could also smell salty tears. She was crying? I followed her scent and finally found her alone, sitting underneath a tree at the park. I ran up to her. "Lucy? What's wrong?" I sat down beside her.

She sniffed. "Natsu...He called me pathetic...He called me stupid...And...And he called me useless."

My eyes widened and my blood began to boil again. How dare he?! That stupid flame brain had broken Lucy's heart twice. First as her boyfriend, and now, as a friend and as a comrade! "D-Don't...Don't listen to him, Blondie. You know that's not true."

"I know. It's just...I can't believe he would say that to me. And I can't believe I used to love that jerk!"

I wrapped my shoulders around her. Don't worry, Lucy. I promise you, I will never let anyone hurt you ever again. And Salamander...I swear, I will make you pay a hundred fold for what you did to my Lucy. I swear.

Changes In the Heart: Lucy H. and Sting E. (Chapter 1)Where stories live. Discover now