Chapter 10: Talking + A/N Voting (Again)

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It's been a few days ever since Y/N and Leo got rescued by the turtles, Leo's brothers. It was thanks to them that they were on time to rescue them before Shredder would torture them. You get that Hamato Yoshi and Oroku Saki are great enemies so it was obvious that the Shredder would torture the sons of his enemy but why torture his adopted daughter who he raised for years? It must be that ever since Karai informed Shredder about it that Y/N betrayed the Foot Clan, Shredder turned against Y/N. Y/N was mad at Karai but even at herself. She should've informed Karai that Shredder murdered her parents. But she felt like she wasn't ready for that yet or maybe... even never. Some people were like that, possibly never ready to tell something horrifying truth.

Y/N was peacefully sleeping on Leo's bed. They were sharing it together but Y/N was still seen as coldhearted that was sensitive. Leo felt also uncomfortable, even if he offered her to share the room together. Y/N felt that and she didn't blame him, though. They were enemies since Y/N was like the co-leader of the Foot Clan. But if she recalled it, why was Leo trying to impress her? He succeeded, but she was asking why. She woke up and yawned. She looked over her shoulder and realized that Leo was still asleep. Between them were pillows so that they wouldn't touch one another. It was Y/N's idea and Leo loved it so they got a bunch of pillows and made a pillow wall between them.

Y/N was in short pajamas that she got from her apartment. She quietly got out, grabbed her ninja clothes, and went to the bathroom that Leo had in his room. Yes, each turtle had their own private bathroom that Splinter made for them when they were little. Y/N put her clothes on and went to the kitchen quietly. It was not so a clean kitchen but Y/N remembered that they lived in the sewers. Y/N got a bunch of ingredients out and started to make pancakes. She cooked for Karai and Shredder a lot during the good times before moving to New York City from Japan. In fact, Y/N felt that all her good times got taken away because of Shredder. She will never forgive him.

Y/N finished making pancakes before setting them down on the table where surely the turtles sat. She then heard noises and quickly scurried out of the kitchen before being caught. Y/N didn't notice who it was that entered the big part of the lair (the living) since the dojo was the quickest part to get there since it was close by.

Y/N stopped in her tracks just as she entered the dojo. There, under the tree, sat Master Splinter, meditating. His knees were crossed and his eyes were closed. He could feel Y/N's presence as his ears twitched. Y/N gulped and nearly jumped from being startled after she heard him speak to her. "Come in, my child."

Y/N took small deep breaths before walking towards her new mentor, her new sensei. But her stomach was screaming at her to grab some food first instead. Oh, shell... How could she forget to eat food as well? Maybe she didn't feel hungry like many people did here in New York.

Y/N stopped and sat down with crossed legs next to Splinter. "Hello, ... Sensei."

Splinter still didn't move an inch as he breathed slowly since he was meditating. "How are you feeling?"

Y/N looked down. How was she really feeling? She really didn't notice somehow Leo watching the whole scene and listening to the whole conversation. He was the turtle to wake up first and eat the delicious pancakes that Y/N prepared. He must say that she was a great cook, even though Mikey was also a cook but what's most important was that he was trying his best.

"I.. don't know, honestly, sensei. Ever since you showed me the truth, I want nothing but to kill Shredder. I feel so much rage but also towards my... sister." Y/N's tone was lost and full of confusion. She did feel anger towards the whole Foot Clan but she wasn't sure if she should call Karai her sister she must also find out the truth: Is Karai really the daughter of Hamato Yoshi?

Splinter then opened his eyes to look at Y/N, who didn't dare to make eye contact, which Splinter gladly understood but that's also why he felt like asking his oldest son, Leonardo, for help. Because his spirit tells him that Leo must be the one and also the key to opening Y/N's spirit up.

Y/N could feel that Splinter was looking at her and she kept herself calm. Normally, she was cruel and coldhearted but she was like... slowly opening up. Why? Because she started to experience weird things when she was around Leo, only him.

"Revenge is what you want now, but it will not solve anything," Splinter advised.

Y/N was quiet for a moment. Was he actually right? That revenge doesn't solve anything? Yes, she felt like she wanted to get revenge on THE Oroku Saki but does she really need to get revenge? After like thinking for a while, she finally answered. "Hai, sensei."


This is the end of the chapter. This A/N will be short because first, voting will be closed now and option C has won! If you don't remember anymore, it will be that you're gonna be a half-angel and half-vampire. I am quite surprised that angel nearly won but most people think that a vampire is cooler (especially from Twilight), though and I'll agree that angels can be also cool, so no worries.

So, you are gonna be mutated somewhere perhaps maybe in my favorite episode called 'Parasitica'. If you don't remember anything then here's my only hint: wasps. In that episode, the wasps may be not the only problem but also an ugly fly called the Dazen. Feel free to read more at my old one-shot called "The Bite"! yes, it's old and crappy, not to mention with spelling and grammar errors so I plan to re-create the one-shot here in this book! Be warned when the mutation will happen.

So, you must be asking, why will be voting again? Because I'm not sure if I should make Y/N go with her friends to April's farmhouse or stay in New York City while it's an invasion going on.

Here is small info:

A. (Y/N goes with them):

- After Y/N tries to hide that she has been mutated, an invasion breaks out and Y/N chooses to stay with her friends while they go to April's farmhouse in the forest. While Leo is in a coma, Y/N becomes depressed but hides the pain from everyone in order to protect them and especially from finding out the truth about her mutation history after being turned into a half-Twilight vampire and half-angel.

B. (Y/N stays behind):

- After Y/N tries to hide that she has been mutated, an invasion breaks out and Y/N chooses to stay behind in New York by jumping out of the van in order to protect Splinter, who has been thrown into the water sewers by Oroku Saki, known as Shredder. Now, Y/N is after Shredder and the Foot Clan until something happens... What will happen when the turtles return to NYC? Will Leo continue to save Y/N? How will everyone react to her being a powerful mutant?

I promise to count the votes in the end so make sure to vote in the comments which you think is the best! Maybe if you are unsure, perhaps these songs will help. It helped me think of this idea!

- Supermassive Black Hole by Muse

- Fire in the Water by Feist

There's also a small list of episodes I will write as inspiration and as references:

- Karai's Vendetta

- Parasitica - Mutation (my favorite episode)

- Showdown

(Season 1, perhaps more may join the season)

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