Chapter 5

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Third Person POV

Jess, Luke, and Evan were walking towards the Gilmore household. While walking, Jess had Evangeline on his back. Evan couldn't help but complain the entire time that they were walking. She didn't like social events. She didn't like a lot of people talking to her at once. Of course, she would go if Luke asked. However, she'd be damned if she didn't bring hell on earth with her.

"Why are we doing this again?" Evan groaned burying her face into Jess's shoulder. Unbeknownst to her, the Mariano boy quite like having her curled up against him. He was almost upset at how quickly they were approaching the house.

"Because Lorelei invited us, and it would be rude if we didn't go" Luke grumbled, carrying Evan's sketchbook in his hands as he walked. That was the deal. She would go, as long as she could bring her sketchbook. Which, after Evan didn't feel like walking anymore, was his responsibility to carry/

"Ha! Not true! She invited you and Jess. Nowhere in that conversation was I mentioned at all. Therefore, I could just go on home." she argued back.

"Debatable. I told you; you were coming, she was sitting right there. She didn't object to you coming. Therefore, you were technically invited." Luke says as he mocks her.

"Uggghhhh-" her grumbling gets cut off as she gets distracted, "Ooo kitty" she taps Jess' shoulder to tell him to put her down, to which he complies. She goes to pet the cat and proceeds to tell the boys she'll be in, in a few minutes. Luke letting her have an extra couple of minutes, agrees.

"Okay Evan, it's this house right here. If you're not in there in 5 minutes, I'm sending Jess out to look for you." Luke states as he slowly walks away.

"Don't come inside. I really don't want to be here." Jess says, as he's walking in step with his uncle.

"Okay!!" is all she says back, addressing no one in particular.

"Who'd she say okay to?" Luke questions his nephew with a confused expression on his face.

"I have no idea, but I guess we'll find out in about five minutes" he sarcastically smiles back.

"Welcome, Welcome" the oldest of the Gilmores state as she opens the door.

"Sorry we're late. We had a debate about what time we were supposed to be here. Evan suggested we not come at all. She did not get her wish" Luke says, as he gives a pointed look to his nephew for making them late.

"Oh no it's okay. Sooki is still putting the finishing touches on some things. Where is Evan?" Lorelei asks.

"Cat" both men say in unison, to which Lorelei replies with, "Figures. Well, Jess why don't you come into the kitchen to meet everyone."

The teenage conforms with the request. As Lorelei introduces Sookie and Jackson, he just nods in return, making Luke stick his head out the front door to call for Evan. When asked what was wrong, Luke just points to his nephew and nothing else. Dragging her feet to get to Jess, she's dreading whatever is about to happen.

"What did you do" she whispers to him, making him look at her and raise his shoulders.

"What are you talking about. I didn't do anything"

"Then why is everyone staring at us?" Evan questions, making both heads turn towards the group of adults and slightly wave with a wry smile on their faces. "You obviously did something"

"I didn't do anything"

"Fine" Evan whisper-shouts, to which Jess, does it back, "Fine"

Both turning back to the adults with sarcastic smiles, they send a small wave. The adults wave back, slightly confused about the encounter they just saw.

"Uh. Anyways, Rory, Evan and Jess are here" Lorelei says as she knocks on her daughters bedroom door. The two teens in the hallway follow.

"Hi, I'm Rory. Which one of you is Evan and which one is Jess." the girl says with a smile on her face as Evan stares at her in bewilderment.

"Rory, I've been serving you coffee for at least 2 years" Evan says, surprised that the girl didn't remember her. People may not notice her all the time, but at least they knew her name.

"Of course, so you're..." Rory trailed off trying to give herself time to make a guess.

"Evan" is all the other girl could say. A frown gracing her features.

"Right, so that must make you Jess" the chirpy girl states turning her attention the male.

"Obviously" is all he says in return, walking towards the bookshelf, "Wow. Someone's hooked on phonics"

"Do you read" Rory asks, her smile still not dropping as she looms at him.

"Not much" he replies, Evan knowing it was a lie, rolled her eyes. Jess caught the action and went to whisper something in her ear, "That's not very nice sweetheart"

Leading Evan and himself into the living room, he tells her to sit on the couch and he would be right back. When he comes back over he has two plates in his hand and gives one to her. "Eat" he demands.


"No. No buts. Eat" he demands again. To which this time she listens and begins eating the food he put on her plate. As soon as she took a bite, she felt like she was in heaven. She didn't realize how long it had been since she had a home cooked meal.

Mmm. I love you" she mumbled while her face was full of food. Jess laughs and decides to say something back.

"Are you talking to me or the, pot roast" he says pointing to her plate.

"Do you want me to lie to you" she asks in response. Making Jess laugh along with her.

About 45 minutes later, everyone is having their own conversations quietly. As if they're afraid if they talk loud enough, the Mariano boy will stop talking. After Rory tried to make way in the twos conversation and failed, no one bothered them again. 

Not that Jess would notice at the moment. He was too busy staring at his roommate complaining that she couldn't eat the last piece of her pie, with a smile on his face.

"I can't do it" Evangeline grumbled from beside Jess. Throwing her head on to the back of the couch for dramatic effect. Causing Jess to chuckle even more before grabbing her plate.

"Come on. It's one more bite. You can handle one more bite." Jess says holding the fork to her mouth, trying to convince her. "I'll explode" she says in return lifting her head.

"Open" he states. She does as told and opens her mouth waiting for him to set the piece on her tongue before closing. After swallowing the she sticks her tongue out to show him. He pats her had as if saying a silent 'good girl'.

After watching them all night, the other people attending the party couldn't figure out how two complete strangers could go from that to trusting each other so much in just two days.

Is it because Jess always automatically looks for someone who is used to staying in the background? Or is it because Evangeline talks to the new guy like he's a normal human being and doesn't automatically assume he did something wrong?

Diner Girl ~Jess Mariano~Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat