Chapter 8

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Third Person POV

Evangeline came down the stairs after the argument, taking a moment to compose herself, she put on a small smile and walked out from behind the curtain. Luke immediately noticing her presents goes over to her. 

"Hey kid, you okay?" the Diner owner asks moving beside her. Not noticing that she was blinking back tears from the previous fight with her roommate. Not because they had argued, but because of the memories it brought back. 

"Yea Luke, I'm fine. Nothing neither one of us hasn't seen before right?" she asks the man, sending a slightly bigger smile toward him. Nodding his head, he goes back to work, not paying any attention to his nephew that just walked down the stairs. 

As soon as Jess walked out from behind the curtain, his gaze immediately landed on the girl he had been fighting with moments before. Although it wasn't really a fight, he just stood there while she yelled at him. He couldn't understand why she thought she wasn't beautiful. She was, more than so, she was gorgeous, smart, artistic. How could she not see it? 

Finally snapping out of his trance, he walks over to her turned back. Gently grabbing shoulders, he leaned down to whisper in her ear, "I'm sorry for making you upset. I gotta get to school because I promised that if I got to watch you after you passed out, I'd make it on time. I'll talk to Luke after school to let you go for some time after I get back. We need to talk about this okay? I can't understand why you're getting mad at me I don't know the full story behind it, okay?" 

Feeling the nod of her head, he raises his head to give the side of her a kiss. Squeezing her shoulders before letting go, he makes his way to the door, looking back for a quick second before making his way on to school. 

She watched him. She watched until he walked through the school doors and he wasn't visible to her eye sight anymore. He wanted to talk to her about it. Sure, a lot of people had wanted to know why she was the way she was. However, she had never been asked. It was always more of a demand. With anger attached to it, not tenderness. 

That was why she stayed with Luke, he never pushed, never asked, never demanded. He let her tell him everything when she felt like she was ready for it.  

"Hey what was that about?" Luke asked, pushing her out of her thought process. She made a quick glance at the man. Slightly shaking her head, she told how the whole thing began with honesty. 

"He called me beautiful" Evangeline said quietly, really focused on cleaning the glass in front of her as if it had a spot that wouldn't budge. 

"Oh, Evan I'm sorry, I should've warned him about stuff like that. I'm sor-" Luke starts, before getting cut off by his employee. 

"Luke, it okay. One, he didn't know. Two, he sat there and let me yell at him without getting upset with me about why I wouldn't tell him. Three, he wants to talk about it, but he said that he made a promise to you to make it to school on time. Therefore, he wants to talk about it after he gets back. I told him it was okay." Evan explains to the man in front of her. 

Luke studies her for a quick second before nodding his head. Luke was genuinely protective over the girl. She might be able to laugh, joke around, be one of the nicest people you will ever meet, but she has worse demons than some could possibly imagine for someone in Stars Hollow. It just makes her stronger in his book, but he could never tell her that. Not until she's ready to hear it at least. 

"I won't tell him anything but I will talk to him after he gets back." Luke says to the girl who just nodded and walked away to continue with her work for the day. 

As he stares after her, he couldn't help but think. He should've told his nephew. Luke knows how she is with her past. She doesn't open up to just anyone about it. As far as he knows, him and Lorelei are the only people in Stars Hollow that knows her entire back story. For Evan to open up to Jess as quickly as she is, is something to be admired about his nephew. Jess might not be as bad as other people are making him out to be. 

______________________________TIME SKIP_________________________________________

Jess had come back from school. After dropping his bag off upstairs, he came back down and went to talk to his uncle about 

"I want to take Evan out, so that I can talk to her about something that happened earlier, but I know that she won't leave unless you're okay with it." Jess says to his uncle with pleading eyes. He needs to talk to her. He's willing to try anything if he says no. 

"I know, Jess. She told me what happened earlier." Luke says back, making some food to-go for the two. Not that Jess knew that.

"She did? What did she say? Do you know something?" 

"Jess, calm down, okay? It's not my place to tell you what she should, it's not my story or stories to tell. All I can tell you is that she's really sensitive about her looks. She tries extra hard to hide something she thinks is there but it's not." Luke explains, handing the bag of food over to his nephew in the process. 

"Luke I'm not gonna take out a delivery, I need Evan to com-" Jess starts before getting cut off. 

"It's not for a delivery. It's for you and Evan. She skipped lunch again so I figured you guys can eat while you talk" Luke states, pointing at the bag to make a point. 

Telling Jess to go and get Evan so that they could go and talk, Jess starts to make his way over to the girl before stopping. She's laughing with Lorelei Gilmore. A smile on her face. He didn't wanna ruin it. She seemed happy at the moment, how could he take that away from her? Before he could change his mind Luke pushes him towards the girl earning a glare in return. 

"Hey sweetheart, you ready to go?" Jess asks, slowly approaching the two females, interrupting their conversation only after one was done talking. 

"What about the Diner?" Evan asks, a smile still on her face. A genuine one nonetheless. He was ecstatic that he didn't ruin her mood. Jess was about to answer the girl in front of him, but his uncle beats him to it. 

"You go ahead. It's a relatively slow day, I can watch the Diner by myself. Besides with crazy pants over here, I'll even be entertained." Luke says, motioning to the older Gilmore. 

"You got that right hot stuff" Lorelei says jokingly. 

"Okay...if you're sure" Evan says hesitantly, taking off her apron in the process. 

Watching the two walk out the door, Lorelei turns back towards the Diner owner with a confused face. 

"Where are they going?" the Gilmore questions. 

"He called her beautiful" Luke states simply, staring off at the corner to where the two disappeared. 

"Oh my god. You didn't warn him?" 

"She's been doing so good lately that I completely forgot. He asked her if they could talk about the argument they had. Asked that if she was going to be mad at him to at least tell him a little about why. Hell to my surprise, she agreed." Luke says, looking back at Lorelei with a slight smile on his face, "If Evan trusts him enough to tell him even a little bit, maybe he's not as bad as everyone says he is" 


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