Chapter 44

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When the sound of the door becoming unlocked registered, he almost regretted the decision of coming altogether. Every time he came near her, his mind was fogged with desire, and his instincts weren't as sharp. He was still angry over the night of the ball. He couldn't have a repeat of her nearly getting harmed due to his distraction. He wouldn't allow it.

"Are you just going to stand there?" Her arms were crossed, and her brow was sharply raised. "Or are you coming in, Roman?"

He nodded, hiding an impish grin. "I'll take that as a fine invitation to enter."

She shut the door behind him, immediately he looked around. It was dark, but the glow coming from the hall light upstairs offered a muted light onto the foyer and into the adjoining rooms.

"Nice place," he started to walk near the family room. "Very...tidy," he provided, peeking in.

He crossed the room and over to the window that he was able to enter in earlier, and shut it. "It's not safe to leave windows open, Temperance."

There was a short silence between them, and one that she was thankful for. She hastily pushed her hair over her top, attempting to cover herself. She watched him glance around the room, and took the liberty of quickly assessing his attire, which she noted was a pair of jeans, a white t-shirt, and some running shoes. He looked ridiculously good.

"Since we're both up, would you like some hot tea?"

He paused, his face indicating distaste. "I'm not a hot tea kind of guy."

She crossed her arms, annoyed.

"Hot chocolate?" he requested, his voice sounding hopeful.

Temperance tried not to laugh."I wouldn't take you for a chocolate anything, Roman."

She began to walk to the kitchen, flicking the light on when she entered. She went to the cabinet producing two white mugs.

"Why not?"

He leaned on the counter, feet away from her, his eyes scanning everything.

"Umm," she hadn't realized he was so close. He smelled of lush grass and pine.

"Because chocolate is sweet," she looked at him smiling, dropping the cocoa in the mug, then putting the kettle under the sink to retrieve some water. "And you, Roman, are not sweet."

"You thought so the other night when you were kissing me."

She paused, almost died there in a heap on her kitchen floor. "That wasn't my fault. I was completely not myself that night," she rounded quickly.

He chuckled, nodding his head. "If you say so."

Turning on the stove, she turned her head. "I'm glad you're here, because you and I should have some kind of a relationship since you're my grand protector and all. There are things I need to know. Questions I have. That sort of thing."

He laughed lightly, crossing his arms. "I agree with you."

She waited a second to respond. "Good. I'll just go grab my robe and we'll have that chat."

"That would be wise," his voice was dry, and his eyes shifted to her chest. "I don't need a distraction." He remembered when she changed an hour ago, and he felt a little guilty suddenly.

She looked away, trying to hide the blush making its way onto her cheeks and in its route to her entire body. "I'll just be a second."

She ran up the steps, stepping into her room, then searched her closet. She selected the light gray robe she had just purchased online. She hurried to the bathroom, ripped off the department store tag, and took a quick peek in the mirror. She looked like she was going to bed.

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