Chapter 21

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Hazel smiled, gesturing to what Temperance had in her hold now. "The book will provide you with history on demons, your lineage, and also Louisiana. There are many holy places here. You must look for signs to locate what we need destroyed."

Temperance nodded. "I've lived here my whole life. I don't think I need a re −cap on my hometown."

"There are secret things in this book, Temperance, which most people do not know exist."

Temperance ran her hand through her hair. "This is really hard to believe."

Hazel smiled smartly. "I too would feel the same if my body and mind were still mortal." She tapped her finger on her chin, thinking momentarily, then stopping. "Let me ask you this, Temperance. Do you see the rays of a full moon when it shines upon Mother Earth?"

"Yes," she responded. "Of course."

Hazel nodded, acknowledging. "Do you see that the cast of light from its ring is a symbol of the cross?"

Violet interjected then. "Yes, I've always noticed that." She glanced at Temperance then. "Temp, when you look at the moon when it's full, each ray emanating from it looks like the sign she is referring to."

"Well there you have it," Temperance responded nimbly.

"My point is believing, Temperance. There are signs everywhere. It is up to the mortals of this earth; you especially, to see it."

"Alright, so read the book and look for signs?" Temperance asked, sounding entirely fractured with doubt.

Temperance felt the control that she had was slowly leaving, and now she was being taken on some trip to Oz. Pressure was mounting behind her eyes already, and the sense of being corralled in was weighing on her.

"Yes, there is that, but also your visions, they hold the key to everything. You will see the answers that are buried deep within your gift. But you must pay heed to foes. Do not let your guard down. Open your eyes and your ears. But mostly, perception for the falsehoods that will arrive. There will be many. You will think something is real and it will be a delusion. Look out for your nemesis, Temperance."

In that spec of time, that small moment of life, both immortal beings parted from the girls, leaving the breath of question and wonder mingling throughout the thick air of the bookstore. Temperance had to squeeze her eyes shut and open them again, just to be certain they were gone. She knew in that instant, beyond all doubt, that Hazel was legitimate, just as the vision had confirmed earlier that morning. A hard pill to swallow, but there were crazier things that occurred on this planet, she tried to convince herself.

"I told you so," Violet declared, standing stagnant next to her. "I knew the guy was for sure, not of this world. Now we have two immortal beings talking to us!" She shook her head in disbelief.

"Is Walter okay?" Temperance asked, her and Violet walking toward him. He didn't look up as expected. It was as if he didn't even see that there were present.

Violet lifted her hand in front of him, moving it back and forth. "Walter... Are you in there?"

But still, Walter did not hear or see either of them before him.

Temperance stood there watching him turn the crisp pages of the paper; the sound mirroring the rustling of leaves on a cool fall day. It graded over the pale skin of Temperance, like a dull razor, each turn, each page lifted and laid, inched closer to her reality.

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