Chapter 27

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"Ladies," the driver said, nodding as they exited. Temperance smiled at him, noticing how attractive he was. He was tall, with light brown hair and hazel eyes, specks of gold dominating them. His lips turned just slightly upward, as if he were aware of Temperance's quick assessment.

"Thank you," Temperance said with confidence, attempting to hide the flush to her face.

"I'll be here when you're ready to depart," he announced, watching them both head toward the grand house. Temperance and Violet walked on the cobblestone pathway. It was impeccably lined with glorious hibiscus plants, each side a different color of white and pink. The smell of them was potent, yet sweet and calming. As they both continued to saunter toward the grand antebellum home, Temperance looked back over her shoulder and saw that the driver still stood at the car, studying both her and Violet.

She turned back quickly, embarrassed that he caught her looking, then absently brushing the front of her gown as she carried on. Once they arrived at the steps, they noticed several couples and many single ladies lingering on the grand porch, all with cocktails in their hands. The sound of smooth jazz wafted from somewhere on the grounds. It was seductive, yet lined with a deep southern hum to it; set appropriately for the warm evening. They crested the entryway, both of them in awe of all the beauty that the plantation granted. Both Temperance and Violet stood star struck, their eyes taking in history at its finest.

"Hey, Violet," a male voice called enthusiastically from somewhere. Temperance knew the voice, and as she saw the man approach, it solidified what she thought. It was Gaige. Violet looked shocked at first, then she recovered quite quickly with a smile.

"Gaige," Violet managed to say, as he leaned in and kissed her cheek very intimately. There was a bit of surprise in her eyes, but behind that, Temperance could also see the fondness she had for the man.

"I thought you weren't coming," Violet stated unabashedly. Temperance cringed, but Gaige just ignored it, quite aware by now of how Violet ticks. He smiled slightly, his brown eyes dancing with laughter.

"I managed to get an invite last minute," he shrugged. "It was put under my door mat the other night, so I figured what the hell, I'll go solo."

Temperance watched Violet struggle with her thoughts. She could only imagine what was going on in that head of hers. Personally, Temperance thought Gaige was a catch. He was tall, had kind light brown eyes; sun touched blonde hair, and a body that you knew he was taking good care of. Temperance shook her head, taking a drink that the waiter brought over. Violet would have to figure this one out on her own.

"I'm going to mingle for a bit," Temperance announced, looking at the two of them.

"No," Violet said abruptly, touching Temperance's forearm. Gaige turned to look at Violet, clearly disconcerted. She could see that he desired a little private time with her.

"I mean, we'll go with you," Violet recovered, her eyes pleading with Temperance.

"You and Gaige talk a bit," Temperance said, her eyes saying more than she could aloud. "I'll catch up in a little while," she didn't give time for Violet to respond. She turned on her heel and made her way through the crowd. The array of various perfumes hit her nostrils, and she cringed just slightly at the musky fragrances joined together in one room.

Most of the people in attendance were couples, and as she walked around toward the back area of the parlor, she was feeling a bit out of her element. She found an area that wasn't clustered with people, and yet still appeared she was involved in the festivities.

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