Chapter 5

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A New Strategy

"\Gorengonitu\, \gorengo nitu\

" They pointed to the sky. Everyone ran in terror to hide between walls of steam so as not to be seen by the Residuals.

Deisan found himself in the middle of that crowd and was exposed in a space lit by flying machines. A powerful hand took him by the hand and made him run to the steam walls. His heart was beating fast; the confusion of the situation left him breathless as he tried to understand what world he was in. The powerful hand came out of the dense steam and covered his mouth.

"Cagsana doo" he was whispered in the ear.

"Gorengo, nitu kefin gortan." While pointing to the place he was picked up from.

Deisan understood, but he could not speak that strange language or at least he believed that. He had understood very well the warning of his savior, who was still hidden among the columns of steam that were condensing into a dense cloud.

Deisan could not see anything, he just felt the pleasant and safe warmth of the place. He remained there, standing in the middle of nowhere as if levitating in a seemingly infinite cloud. He realized that he was still submerged and that something was off when not even The Caretakers had managed to emerge it. Once again, he was ready to live the new experience, embracing the hope of returning home at some point.

Deisan had no idea how long he had stood there quiet, hidden from a danger he did not know.

"\Degatum\ \Degatum\" His savior whispered in his ear.

The columns of smoke were beginning to disperse by the light of a rising sun that announced the dawn. From among the mists, thousands of eyes began to appear. They came from angelic-looking creatures. They had wings in a human figure with huge black bulging eyes and a ring of phosphorescent light in the pupils that lit up in the dark, allowing them to see amid the dense fog, and took on a greenish color in the daytime. They walked naked, but they did not have sex, nor could it be defined if they were male or female by their appearance. They had long hair and a colossal stature. They had enormous hands with five long and flattened fingers and toes; their color was diverse, some were dark skinned, and others light skinned, all shades from brown to pink. None had muscular definition, but their bodies were firm and graceful. They also seemed to share the same age since neither children nor old people lived there.
Suddenly, they all spread their wide and profuse wings and began to fly orderly.

Deisan lagged, something telling him he should wait his turn to start flying. They formed a pyramidal line of different groups, and though Deisan was anxious and distracted, the hand of his savior took him by the time it was their turn. Deisan staggered confidently, but his huge wings dominated his clumsy body as if they had an independent consciousness. There were seven groups of about a thousand each. They rose above the thick clouds and flew north from where the sun was rising. They flew at high speed, each group leaving a trail of orange-colored gases because of the friction of the air against their bodies.

Each group began to break through the thick clouds as if plunging into a bath while smiling in unison. By the time they emerged, they all had golden skin as recharged with vital energy. Each group did it in what seemed like a dance; by the time the seven groups finished, they got ready and gained an unlikely speed greater than the speed of light. They looked like a comet; for Deisan, it was the sensation of his body as gravitating in a beam of light and pure energy. Everyone closed their eyes and brought their body to rest while the huge wings did all the work. When they reached the great wall of their universe, each group headed for one of the primary worlds; Deisan's headed for Ergoden.

Ergoden is the sixth primary world.

"A thousand guardian angels for each primary world," Deisan thought. "Who created them?"

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