Chapter 6

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The Return

The energy displayed by Deisan in his act of love surpassed the matrix itself and Deisan finally returned to The Source.

To Alf's surprise, who had not calculated this possibility, and pretended to have everything under control, it was an unexpected reaction. As soon as Deisan emerged, he did not allow Alf to give any explanation, who was devoured by the blasts of scorching fire that came out of Deisan's mouth turned into a dragon, and Alf was reduced to nothing, nor did his life energy survive. Deisan addressed the matrix with an uncontrolled demeanor.

He felt a deep pain in the middle of his chest and anguish in his throat that made him vomit blasts of fire. The image of Ella, disintegrating in his arms, passed through his mind over and over again. He reached the center of the matrix and ordered to search for the parallel of his residual energy, but incredibly, the matrix could not find it in either world. Now the pain of having lost her forever broke the heart of Deisan who was deeply depressed.

"Hub kinn a maen sentt, senid, senid." A colloquial voice replied in his ear as he shook his shoulder trying to wake him up.

Marcos woke up in the middle of an extensive meadow; his body was naked trapped between the soft, very intense green grass, with smooth semitransparent fibers like silk. They gave off a peculiar perfume like earth wet with jasmine.

"Lasun senid." He heard that colloquial voice again that seemed to come from everywhere, but he could not see anyone.

He felt the soft touch of hands shaking his right shoulder. He heard the insistent voice in an incomprehensible language. He began to search for this invisible creature, as he asked scared:

"Who are you? Where are you?" He asked as he continued looking for him among the bushes that closed their leaves when touched, and their flowers hid among the hollow stems as if frightened.

Marcos had not noticed his appearance until, desperately searching for his invisible interlocutor, he collided with the trunk of a gigantic tree. This one had a beautiful foliage of blue clover-shaped leaves, topped with small flowers very similar to daisies with purple petals, tinged with phosphorescent green; in the center, a golden pistil sparkled in the shape of a drop.

The flowers began to emit the sound of laughter as they cuddled up with the thickness of the leaves as if sheltering sadly. The trunk made the same sound, but louder like laughter. Marcos closed his eyes trying to wake up. "I must be delirious," he thought to himself.

Marcos widened his big black eyes in disbelief. To his amazement, he discovered the reflection of his naked body in the trunk of the tree in front of him. The trunk was very large and wide like an immense translucent amber wall that reflected his body with the clarity of a mirror.

Marcos approached, seduced by the smell of pine resin. He remembered the honey in his muffins on cold mornings, prepared by his mother with hot milk. It was a viscous transparent resin, so abundant that it made the trunk look like a mirror. Marcos came closer to touch it and when he stretched out his hand, he introduced the ring finger of his right hand, which penetrated the viscous liquid halfway.

It got stuck in the same position that it penetrated. Marcos watched with fear as the resin began to cover his entire hand, while he tried to detach himself longingly, but the more force he exerted to free his hand, the greater the area covered by the resin. Contrary to fear, this symbiosis between Marcos and the tree was beginning to become something pleasant; Marcos felt invaded by a sense of shelter and protection that plunged him into a state of deep peace.

Suddenly, balls of incandescent light were thrown at the trunk of the tree right next to where Marcos was covered half his length by resin. It released him, and Marcos fell to the ground and became unconscious as though the tree had taken the essence of his spirit and discarded the lifeless body. The resin that had abandoned its peaceful victim began to absorb the balls of light, trapping them between the trunk and the viscous layer that covered it.

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