Chapter 2

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Y/n's Pov:

I sat in my last class of the day, only 15 more minutes and l get to leave this place. I sighed as l continued to study, playing around with my pen as l did.
The teacher talked on about another test we had to do.
"Why so many tests?" I sighed.
I took notes left and right. I felt a feeling as if someone was watch me. It made me paranoid, i looked up from my notes. I examined the room i was in, everyone was all busy studying or doing random stuff. I gulped and turned my head to the back, my widened when l made eye contact with someone. It was him. The same emo guy who knocked my books out my hands.
"What are you looking at?!" The guy growled angryly.
I immediately turned my head back to the front.
"Not him again! Why does he have to be in the same class as me?.." I said in thought gulping.

I hate this so much.

Time Skip

School was finally over. I grabbed my bag and flunched them over my shoulders. The hallways got crowded with people, leaving the school, or just in groups.
"Ugh! Why did that guy have to be in the same class as me, my damn study was cut short because of him." I complained in my head.
I stopped in my tracks as l heard someone shout my name.
"Hey Y/n!" The voice exclaimed
I looked up from my feet to see who could be it.
"TK!" i chimed happily as my eyes brighten when l saw them.
I immediately rushed over to them.
"Wanna go grab some shakes?" Tk asked
"You're buying." I said with a smile as we both walked out of the school.

Peter's Pov:

I walked out of the class when it ended,
"I can't belive l made eye contact with Y/n!" I said in thought melting inside. I shoved my hands in my pockets, l made distance between myself and Y/n as l watched them.
Admiring them.
I walked slowly following them.
"Hey Y/n!" A voice spoke.
I stopped in my tracks. I looked closer at the voice of the person who called out. It was that green haired guy,TK.

I growled silently in anger, as l watched Y/n walked towards them.
"What do they think they are doing with my darling!?" I grind my teeth together in anger.
Seeing a smile on Y/n's face as they always hanged out with that TK. It made my blood boil.

I should be the one to make Y/n smile, they should be happy with me and only me,not them!
Y/n and TK, both exited the school, heading to where ever.
I sighed and also made my way out of the school, l stood by the entrance bored.
"Peter!" A voice spoke as the person approached me.
I looked up to see my sister, Sarah.
"Took you long enough." I said leaning off the wall and started walking away.
"Hey Wait for me!"

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