Chapter 5

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Your Pov:

I woke up to my disturbing arlam, got up and got dressed. I grabbed my bag, cap and house keys, stroming out of the house, i put on my cap and got on my bicycle and rode off.
I got to school and parked my bicycle.
I walked into the building, examing the area looking for a particular green haired.
My eyes light up once i saw them. I happily ran to them.
"TK!" I exclaimed jumping on them
"Huh?!" TK said in shock
"Oh hey Y/n!" TK said with a smile patting my head
"What got you in a good mood?" TK asked
"Seeing my best friend, is what gets me in a good mood." I said getting off them
TK chuckled
"I'm glad i put you in a good mood." TK smiled
"Wanna walk to class?" I asked
"Sure!" Tk replied

Me and TK walked down the hall
Smiling and laughing at each others jokes.
I looked at TK with a smile listening to him

I laughed
"Ah Man, TK your-" I was about to finish my sentence but got interrupted by someone bumping into me hurting my arm
"Ah!" I exclaimed in pain and shock.
I held my arm rubbing it.
"Are you okay?!" TK asked in a panic state.
I looked to see him
That goth kid
"You did that on purpose!" I exclaimed.
He stopped in his tracks, turning around to look at me with his cold gaze.
"Oh crap.." i said in thought
"Yeah? And?" He said coldly.
"W-well." I stuttered as he slowly walked closer to me.
He crouched down a bit and now his face and directly infront of mine.
I was scared, i gluped.
"What are you going to do about it?" He spoke, revealing his razor sharp teeth.
"Going to hit me, tattle? Gonna run? Cry?" He spoke
I was shacking, from fear and anger.
I curled my hand into a fist.
"....No." I spoke my voice shaky.
A smile formed on his face.
He chuckled.
"That's what i thought nerd." He placed his index finger and thumb on my cap, pulling it down, covering a bit of my face.
I moved my cap out of my face, i looked at him, glaring at TK with disgusted in his eyes.
TK flinched by this.

He began to walk away.

"Was that the guy?" TK asked placing a hand on my shoulder.
I nodded.
"Tch, Oh Boy." They began "He has a reputation of being an edgy asshole, l've seen him make teachers cry."
TK said as we watch him scare others.
"Why does he bother coming, then? Gosh what a menace...but please be careful around him Y/n." TK said.
I held my hood angerly fixing it as l watched him.
My hands slowly fell to my sides.
"Huh?" I mumbled
A smile formed on the goths face.
Not a smile that one fears.
A kind one.
Not alone but his cheecks were slightly red.
"What the.."
"Come on Y/n, we have to head to class." TK said
"Oh yea, l guess l'll see you later." I said waving to TK
"Bye Y/n."


I held my bag straps as l made my way down the hall towards the lockers.
My mind still on what happened earlier.
"What was that all about? He's done it multiple times now, l'm used to it at this point. It's nothing new. But today's crap seemed a bit different." I said in thought.
"Maybe i'm just imagining things? And even if i wasn't, the last thing i needed is him suddenly changing up tactics." I continued as i reached my locker.
"And on top of that, there's another problem." I mumbled opening my locker.
I looked at the books in my locker.
"Someone's been in my locker." I said
"Where's my notebook?" I questioned
"When would anybody even find the time? And why my notebook? There's nothing to steal in here!" I argued in thoughts.
"Even so TK is the only one that knows the combo. So how do they get in?"


"Excuse me."


"Huh?" I jumped, turning my head to the side to where the voice came from.
It was a chick, she had long hair, a piercing by her eyebrows, she wore a leather jacket, jeans and black high heels.

"I can't get to my locker." The girl spoke.
"Oh i'm sorry!" I apologized closing my locker.
"It's fine, but still..move." She said.
I let the girl access to her locker as l began to walk to my class.
Still thinking about my missing notebook.
"Should l go ask TK about this, later?" I asked myself.
But soon i stopped in my tracks, it's like i'm being watched..
I turned around, looking at the wall where i felt like someone was standing there, but no one.


The bell rang singling everyone to go to class.
"I'm going to be late!" I said before running to class.


Peters Pov:

I leaned by the corner of a wall near Y/n's locker.
Thinking about what happened eariler. "Our faces where so close to each other." I said in thought. I felt my face heat up. "I could have kissed them."
I sighed.
I heard footsteps pass by me. And it was Y/n's. I watched their figure walking by, just admiring them.
I stopped leankng from the wall.
Y/n stopped walking for a mintue. I panicked and hid.

"That was so close, i almost got caught." I sighed in relief,

i peaked the corner and saw Y/n running.
i smiled to myself.

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