Chapter 8

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Eobard came back to his house with Raynare, he was somewhat upset to hear that Rias lost and was now gonna be forced to marry someone who seemed like a man who should be no one's husband.

"Eobard you seem upset". Raynare told the god of speed who knelt down and his armor unlocked and he came out walking back and forth. "Are you upset with how the battle ended? Or is there something else bothering you that your not telling me"? Raynare asked and Eobard signed.

"She should not have to marry some dick like Riser, I have seen what he dose to woman threw the speed force, I know what he wants from her. He dose not care about her. He only cares about what he can gain from this marriage". Eobard snapped clearly upset with the outcome.

"Well then I am gonna ask you this. What are you gonna do about it? Will you let the marriage happen or are you gonna finally remind the supernatural world who's the true apex predator"? Raynare asked as she saw Eobard look up as his eye glowed with his dark blue lightning.

"I'm taking matters into my own hands. She has done wrong but she dose not deserve to be stuck with Riser. She deserves to have a free life, and he deserves death". Eobard told her in his altered voice.

"Then let's get going the wedding is about to start soon". Raynare told Eobard as she teleported away and Eobard summoned his armor and ran into the speed force quickly.

In the underworld

Rias was getting ready for the wedding with the help of some maids. She was in a beautiful white dress, but you could see she was not happy.

"Ahh Rias, my love you look amazing." Turing around they saw a handsome young man with blond hair and blue eyes.

"Lord Riser, you can't see lady Rias, it's bad luck." One of the maid's told him and he chuckled waving her warning off.

"It's just a quick look nothing more ladies please return to what you where doing, I will see you later my love." Riser said and walked out Rias looked into the mirror sadly remembering what Savitar said.

"Please help me." She thought and the maids finished her makeup.

"You look beautiful lady Rias." With that they got her up as her peerage was also getting ready for the wedding soon to start.

Rias and Riser engagement party.

"Haha my brother is amazing I knew he would win no matter what." Revel the sister of Riser said to herself but everyone heard her.

"She's......nice." Akeno told Kiba who sighed.

"Yes she is quite the gentle soul." Kiba told the thunder queen as they all saw Riser walk up to the stand to speak.

"Good evening everyone, today is a important day in the devil world today we bring together 2 powerful blood lines together, now allow me to introduce my beautiful bride Rias Gremory." Riser said and a crimson flashed appeared and everyone saw her in a dress.

"She is beautiful." One of the women said as they all called her beautiful and the men only nodded.

"Now let's get this show on the road." Riser said as Rias walked up to stand aside Riser as the devil Priest stood ready to wed the 2.

"Today we are gathering here to see Rias gremory take Riser Phoenix hand in marriage." The devil spoke. "Now do you Rias Gremory take Riser Phoenix to be your husband till death." the devil asked and Rias looked at her peerage and her brother then Riser.

"I...." Riser narrowed his eyes on her wondering what was taking so long.

"Please say it my love... don't embarrass your family." Riser told Rias who glared back.

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