Chapter Eleven

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The training room was popular, although I got the feeling that had less to do with a desire to learn how to fight (the kingdom had been at peace for over a decade, after all) and more with the prince's presence. A few girls were pretending to train in a corner while really spying on Asher. One of them had fine golden flecks scattered across her body, as if she had bathed in stardust. She'd clearly won the auretis lottery.

A group of young soldiers were sparring with one eye on the prince, to see if he was checking on their progress.

Dante was laid out on a bench at the back, his eyes closed. His arms were bare and I could see that the rest of his auretis was as straight and precise as the strip across his face. He was a study in geometry.

And Asher? He was in a world of his own, oblivious to everyone around him, focusing intently on a series of blocks and strikes performed with two silver daggers. He looked poised and deadly. A golden spiral blazed on his cheek.

"He's very talented," Aleela whispered. I was taken aback by her compliment; she must have undergone some major conditioning during her childhood. If I'd been assigned to be his maid, one of those pretty little daggers would have found its way into his gut years ago.

"Sure, he'd be deadly if, you know, his enemy was incapable of movement and constructed of air."

Aleela giggled, stopping when steel eyes locked onto ours. Asher came to a halt and lowered his blades.

"Everyone out." His voice wasn't loud, but it carried through a room that had been listening to his every breath.

People immediately began to file from the room. Someone had to nudge Dante awake so that he would get up and move. He nodded to me as he passed. Stardust-girl waved her friends on, staying behind.

"Everyone out, Mari. That includes you."

She pouted. Now that she was closer, I was taken aback by how pretty she was; it was unnatural, like a doll brought to life. Her large eyes shimmered like green emeralds set above her high cheekbones; her mouth was a soft pink cupid's bow. The overall effect was unsettling, as if I was viewing her through a filter of perfection.

"She's staying." She gestured to me, her eyes sweeping over me in careful appraisal. Apparently she didn't count Aleela as a person. I swallowed the growl forming in the back of my throat.

"Because I requested the presence of my new guard for a private training session."

The pout deepened into a scowl as the other girl looked at me, her eyes flicking up and down my body before her mouth curled into a sneer. I'd seen that look on Lavinia's face enough times to know that the appropriate response was a rude hand gesture. She turned back to Asher, disgusted.

"If you needed a new guard, you could have just asked me, Ash. You know I'm-"

"Mari, you're too valuable as an altora, you know that. Now please leave so we can get on."

"Well, if you want a proper work out once you're done in here, just let me know. I'm always available for you." She shot him a dazzling smile and strolled from the room, her hips swaying from side to side as she walked. Her effort was wasted; Asher was too busy scowling at me to notice.

When the door slammed shut behind her, Asher beckoned me closer. Aleela, serving as our minder, sat on the sideline. I took my time walking towards him, waiting until I was almost within kicking range before coming to a stop.

"You requested my presence, Your Highness?" I didn't bother to conceal my sneer at his title, tilting my head, my eyes flashing with challenge.

His grip on the daggers tightened. "Call me Ash."

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