Chapter Eighteen

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Ash wore a crisp white shirt, black trousers, and a tie in Lathrian blue. He looked dull; a bland outfit to match his bland mood. Aleela was right - he didn't want to be going to this party any more than I did.

Mari lived in a grand mansion in the western side of the city. It was like a palace in miniature, with a column lined driveway and three small turrets. Lights had been strung through the trees and candles lit the path we strolled along.

As usual, Ash had insisted on us walking, although I think even he regretted it once he realised how slow I was in heels.

"Some guard you're going to be tonight if someone attacks. What are you going to do, fall over in front of them?" I looked at him, expecting the words to be an attack, but there was a hint of a smile on his face. A joke then.

"Maybe this is all for show - a clever ploy to lull would-be attackers into a false sense of security. They'll think you're an easy target then - bam - I'll stab a heel through their foot."

Ash winced, but was saved from replying when the mansion's door swung open, revealing Mari in a stunning jade dress. Even in the fineries Aleela had forced me into, I felt underdressed beside her. She was a princess - complete with a delicate diamond headband in her hair that looked like a tiara.

"Ash, you made it!" she squealed from the doorway. Her smile faltered slightly when she noticed me. "But you didn't need to bring your guard, silly. You'll be perfectly safe here with me."

Ash's answering smile was strained. "My parents' orders, I'm afraid. Wherever I go, Kacia goes."

Mari huffed, but stepped aside to let us both through.

"The party's in here," she said, looping her arm through Ash's and guiding him towards a set of glass doors. Just before they passed over the threshold, she turned back towards me, "You can stand watch at the back of the room." She shot me an icy smile then turned back to the waiting crowd. "Everyone will be so glad you're here," she cooed, nudging closer to Ash and forcing him into the room.

Mari may have thought she was punishing me by asking me to wait at the back, but I took my post up happily, content to people watch until Ash could stand no more and wanted to go home.

Half the guests seemed to have brought some kind of exotic pet. There were scorchie dogs with smouldering embers for eyes that barked small bursts of flames when challenged. There were star moths that fluttered around their owners, leaving a trail of glittering dust. One man had a snake made from pure water wrapped around his neck. Its eyes like two damp pebbles. Its body fluid and serpentine. Hollow yet solid. A liquid tongue tasted the air and it turned towards me, pebble eyes blinking. I shuddered and edged along the wall so that a dancing couple accompanied by leaf monkeys were between us.

Finally I spied a familiar face through the crowd. Unlike Ash, Dante had dressed to impress, in burgundy trousers and a light pink shirt that was shot through with silver detailing. Silver ink lined his eyes, contrasting with his auretis and he'd smudged black shadow on his lids. His usually bound hair fell in loose curls around his face.

He was talking earnestly to another Lathrian, their heads bent closely together. Dante's hands moved as he spoke. He nodded once and the other man passed him something, which Dante slipped straight into his pocket. They stepped away from each other, giving me my first clear look at the other person.

It was Ciar.

Dressed in Lathrian clothing and holding his head high, as though he had every right to be at a party attended only by Lathrian elite. A signet ring even gleamed on his finger. I twisted my own, wondering how he'd got it, and how often he adopted this disguise. No wonder the twins were never captured in Volcaria - they were hardly ever there.

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