Chapter Thirty

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I stopped the sadness at once and its sudden loss was enough of a distraction for Ash to free himself from her grasp. He jumped back to his feet, the second fire-blade in his hands. "Not quite, Mari; I can still go a few more rounds."

The crowd pressed in as they struck again. It was becoming harder to keep my position at the front as the onlookers jostled for position. I was knocked to the side as someone pushed in front of me. I pushed back, elbowing my way back through to see Ash and Mari locked in conflict.

"You're coping well with the tithe, Your Highness," Mari said as she darted forwards again.

"As are you, Mari," Ash replied, frowning as he spoke. Ash couldn't look too strong - it would raise suspicions. I sent another stab of sorrow towards Mari, but I was jostled again, this time falling forwards into the ring. I lost my hold on Mari's emotions as I fought to regain my balance; I was worn out, and my control was beginning to slip.

As I righted myself, I looked across to see Mari staring at me, her brows furrowed.

I needed to finish this fight. Fast.

So I took it all away: every emotion, every flicker of feeling, gone in an instant. I left only emptiness; a great yawning expanse of nothing that threatened to swallow her whole. "No!" Mari cried, her smile faltering. Her next hit missed wildly. Her lips wobbled. She looked like a trapped animal. Cornered. Afraid. I hadn't expected taking her emotions away to have such a strong effect. It had been a gamble – it might have made her stronger. But she was struggling to focus without her feelings to guide her.

Her next kick missed and Ash swept his leg out, knocking her while she was off balance. She fell to her knees.

"Give them back.' Her voice was so small I felt a stab of guilt. "I concede."

I let her emotions rush back in as I wobbled forwards. A steadying hand gripped my waist.

"Easy there," Dante whispered against my ear. "If you faint now, everyone will know what's really going on - unless you could style it into a swoon over Ash's victory."

I glared at him, but he grinned in response, using his free hand to grab a tissue from his pocket and handing it to me. "I'm not sure the nosebleed will help the star-struck narrative I'm afraid."

"Cut it out, or it's your own blood that will need clearing up."

"Unnecessarily mean, Kacia. I'm only trying to help. It's not my fault my words are striking a chord."

I rolled my eyes, realising that no matter how I responded, Dante would turn my words against me.

Ash met us at the door. He was putting on a good show of looking drained, but his eyes assessed me quickly. "We need to get you some opalberry juice,"

He reeked of flames and burning. A quick assessment of my own revealed a nasty slash on his arm. "Looks like I'm not the only one who needs medical attention."

"It's nothing, I wasn't quick enough."

'It's not nothing-" I started, but Dante cut me off.

"Have your lovers' quarrel later. You both need to get out of here before people start putting two and two together. I'll distract Mari dearest before she tries to tend to your wounds, Ash. She'll probably think you're an easy target while you're suffering from the tithe. Remember to wobble a bit as you go back to your room, or no one will believe you were really using your powers."

Ash nodded and we left the room while Dante approached Mari. His words were lost as the training centre doors shut behind us, but the laughter it elicited among the rest of the room followed us until the end of the corridor. Dante was playing with fire.

Ash and I didn't stop until we entered out room. I paused, waiting for Ash to produce the key that would unlock my suite, but he turned to his own door, pushing down the handle and walking inside. He was halfway into a room that was a larger version of my own when he stopped, looking back at me expectantly.

"Are you going to stand out there all afternoon?"

I shook my head and stepped inside.

Ash's reception room felt more personal than my own. It was chaotic and untidy: a dozen books had been abandoned, still open, on a desk in front of the window; the chairs were less ostentatious, more comfortable; and weapons, everywhere the eye could see. Some dismantled and left on tables, others displayed on the walls. It was a teenager's attempt at a war room, completed by a spectacular map of the kingdoms that took up an entire wall.

I walked towards it, entranced by the scale and detail. Words covered the map, detailing more cities and towns than I'd ever realised existed. I could locate Volcaria with ease because of the volcano. And Klarainia city was conspicuous by its size. I soon spotted the riverlands, where Raza had come from, and Tenia, the city in the north I was supposed to have come from - but there was too much to try and take it all in. It was hard to tear my eyes away from Etealia for long. My heart fluttered with longing to return home.

Behind me, I heard running water and Ash wincing in pain. I tore my attention away from the map and headed towards the noise, pausing on the threshold of the bathroom until Ash met my gaze and nodded. He was holding his arm under the bath taps, letting cool water rush over his burn. I sat on the side of the pool as he grit his teeth. "I didn't see her get you."

Ash shook his head. "I wasn't quite quick enough dodging one of those blades."

"That was our first fight together and you won. We destroyed Mari on our first attempt. You should be celebrating, not critiquing yourself."

"You were amazing," he said, a hint of a smile on his face for the first time since the fight.

He turned off the tap and went over to a cabinet to grab a container filled with healing salve.

"Do you want a hand with that?" I asked, already moving towards him and taking the salve out of his outstretched hand.

"If you don't mind."

"Not at all," I said, rubbing a small amount of the salve onto the cut on his arm. The skin beneath my finger was smooth and warm to the touch.

"Thank you," he said, before lapsing into silence as I finished off. "And thanks for your help today - your grip on your powers is really improving. Having you there made a difference I hadn't expected." Salve application finished, my hand remained gently on his arm. "You know, we actually make a good team."

"Yes. I guess we do." He blinked. Stormy eyes turbulent. I realised how close we were and took a hurried step back. He was the Lathrian crown prince. His stepfather killed Etealians to keep secrets.

I couldn't do this. Not with him. Not like this. I retreated further towards the bathroom door, leaving the salve on the side.

"You need to rest and let that burn heal, and I still need to drink some opalberry juice," I told him from the doorway as confusion spread across his face. "I'm going to take the key for my room so that I can let myself in. I'll see you in a couple of hours for dinner."

I needed to get away. I needed space to think. 

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