4-iron man 2

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in russian a man is watching tv a news report

Tony Stark (V.O.): Been a while since I was up here in front of you. Maybe I'll do us all a favour and just stick to the cards. There's been some speculation that I was somehow involved in the events that occurred on the freeway and on the rooftop...

Christine Everhart (V.O.): Sorry, Mr Stark, do you honestly expect us to believe that that was a bodyguard in a suit that convinently appeared despite the fact that you sorely despise bodyguards?
Tony Stark (V.O.): Yes


Christine Everhart(V.O.): And this mysterious bodyguard was somehow equipped with an undisclosed Stark high-tech powered battle...

Tony Stark (V.O.): I know that it's confusing. It is one thing to question the official story and another thing entirely to make wild accusations, or insinuate that I'm a superhero.

Switch to view of a TV

Tony Stark (on TV): I mean, let's face it, I'm not the heroric type. A laundry list of character defects, all the mistakes I've made, largely public. The truth is... I am Iron Man.

Anton Vanko [Russian]: Ivan. Vanya. That should be you.

Ivan Vanko [Russian]: Don't listen to that crap.

Anton Vanko [Russian]: I'm sorry. All I can give you is my knowledge.

(Anton coughs and dies. Ivan is naturally distraught. Takes a swig of vodka. Pulls out blueprints for an arc reactor. Engineering montage} 

"thats so sad" said lily 'he did try to kill tony" said Kata 'Kat you try to kill tony on a daily basis" said clint "true" replied the red head and she smiled at her fellow assassin

Man (V.O): 270 at 30 knots. Holding steady at 15000 feet. You are clear for exfiltration over the drop zone
(ACDC's Shoot to Thrill starts to play)
(And a picture of Iron Man with an opening door in the bottom of an aeroplane. And he jumps out said aeroplane, landing on a stage. All very ostentatious. Dancing girls. Fireworks.)
(Dismantling Iron Man suit.)

Pretty much everyone in the crowd: Tony! Tony! Tony! Tony!

Tony Stark: It's good to be back. You missed me?

Man in crowd: Blow something up!

Tony Stark: I missed you too. Blow something up? I already did that. I'm not saying that the world is enjoying its longest period of uninterrupted peace in years because of me. I'm not saying that from the ashes of captivity, never has a greater phoenix metaphor been personified in human history. I'm not saying that Uncle Sam can kick back on a lawn chair, sipping on an iced tea because I haven't come across anyone who's man enough to go toe-to-toe with me on my best day.

Woman in crowd: I love you Tony!

Tony Stark: Please, it's not about me. [People still cheering Tony] It's not about you. It's not even about us. It's about legacy. It's about what we choose to leave behind for future generations. And that's why for the next year and for the first time since 1974, the best and brightest men and women of nations and corporations the world over will pool their resources, share their collective vision, to leave behind a brighter future. It's not about us. Therefore, what I'm saying, if I'm saying anything, is welcome back to the Stark Expo. [Big cheer from crowd.] And now, making a special guest appearance from the great beyond to tell you what it's all about, please welcome my father, Howard.

Kata Petrova | MCU x HPWhere stories live. Discover now