17-Captain America: The Winter Soldier

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[back in the control room one of Batroc's men tries to get hold of the pirate below deck]

French Pirate: Halo ? Je pense que la ligne est morte.J'ai perdu le contact. ([subtitled] Hello? Batroc, the line is dead. I lost contact with them.)

[just then Steve smashes in through the window using his shield but Batroc manages to escape]

[to Steve as he goes looking for Batroc]

Brock Rumlow: Hostages en route to extraction. Petrova missed the rendezvous point, Cap. Hostiles are still in play.

Steve Rogers: Kata, Batroc's on the move. Circle back to Rumlow and protect the hostages.

[there's no reply from Kata]

Steve Rogers: Kata!

[All of a sudden, Batroc kicks Steve, and they fight. The former is faring surprisingly well against the super soldier, his fighting style includes acrobatic moves.]

[He performs a flic flac and halts the fight.]

Georges Batroc: Je croyais que tu étais plus qu'un bouclier. ([subtitled:] I thought that you were more than just a shield.)

[Steve puts the shield on his back and takes off his mask. Batroc smirks.]

Steve Rogers: On va voir. ([subtitled:] Let's see.)

[They start fighting again. But this time, Steve quickly turns the tide in his favor. He kicks him in the right leg, the stomach, and then performs a downwards somersault kick to the face, knocking him down.]

[Batroc stands up with visible struggle. Steve smashes him through the door of a room and knocks him out with a strong punch to the face.]

Kata Petrova: Well, this is awkward.

Steve Rogers: What are you doing?

Kata Petrova: Backing up the hard drive. It's a good habit to get into.

Steve Rogers: Rumlow needed your help. What the hell are you doing here?

[Steve goes over to Natasha and looks at what Natasha is backing up]

Steve Rogers: You're saving SHIELD Intel.

Kata Petrova: Whatever I can get my hands on.

Steve Rogers: Our mission is to rescue hostages.

Kata Petrova: No. That's your mission.

[She finishes backing up and pulls the flash drive out.]

Kata Petrova: And you've done it beautifully.

[as Natasha goes to leave Steve grabs her arm]

Steve Rogers: You just jeopardized this whole operation.

Kata Petrova: I think that's overstating things.

[suddenly Batroc rises and throws a grenade at the two as he runs off, Steve deflects the bomb with his shield, grabs Natasha and jumps through a window before it explodes]

Kata Petrova: Okay. That one's on me.

Steve Rogers: You're damn right.

[The Triskelion, S.H.I.E.L.D. Headquarters; Steve walks into Fury's office]

Steve Rogers: You just can't stop yourself from lying, can you?

Nick Fury: I didn't lie. Agent Petrova had a different mission than yours.

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