6-iron man 2

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[And now he's in a racing suit, jumping over the barrier towards a car.]

Justin: [Still inside, talking to Christine.] Tony and I... Tony... I love Tony Stark. Tony loves me. We're not competitors. Him being out of the picture created tremendous opportunities for Hammer Industries, you know? Everything that Tony and I do...

Tony (on TV behind Justin): Well, what's the use of having...

Justin: ...is a healthy...

Tony: ...and owning a race car...

Justin: ...competition.

Tony: ...if you don't drive it?

Justin: Is he driving?

[Camera shift to Pepper sitting at her table, probably waiting for Tony. She notices the television.]

Pepper: Karenina. Karenina!

Karenina: Yes, Ms Potts?

Pepper: What do you know about this?

Karenina: This is the first that I have known of it.

Pepper: This, this cannot happen.

Karenina: Absolutely. I understand. How can I help you?

Pepper: Where's Happy?

Karenina: He's waiting outside.

Pepper: Okay, get him. I need Happy.

Karenina: Right away.

Justin: Tony's... You know, he... We're not competitive. You know what I mean?

Christine: Yeah, yeah, yeah. You know, can you excuse me just one second?

Justin: Just read me what you wrote.

Christine: I will. I will, after.

Justin: Just read it back to me.

Christine: But I have to make one quick phone call.

Justin: Where are you going?

Christine: This is great.

Justin: I've got some caviar coming.

Christine: This is great stuff. I'll be right back.

Someone in background: Look! That's Stark.

[And engines revving, set, go! The race takes off. A man dressed in orange as pit crew walks beside the track. He looks familiar. Tony's surprisingly not bad at this race car driving. Orange man is on the track. Oh look, it's Ivan. More French words. I got a "Mon Dieu" I think. The lightning whips strike a car. Pepper looks terrified. For Tony. Another "Mon Dieu" from the French commentator. Means "My God" by the way. Happy appears at the door and holds up the briefcase. Pepper goes with him to the car and gets in the back.]

Pepper: Go, go.

Happy: Hang on. [Crashes through a barrier onto the track heading the opposite way to the race cars. Tony's car gets hit and he goes flying, loosing the front. Ivan heads forward. Another car gets hit. Bit of fire. Dripping petrol. Never a good sign.]

Pepper: Give me the case.

Happy: Here, take it.

Pepper: Where's the key?

Happy: It's in my pocket.

Pepper: Car!

[Ivan slices more of Tony's car, but he's gone. Tony comes up from behind him and whacks him around the head with a sheet of metal. Fighting. Tony is knocked on the floor. Sees dripping petrol. Ivan begins to swings the whips. Tony moves, hits petrol and the car bursts into flames. Happy appears, driving and runs Ivan into the fence. Tony is up the fence]

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